Joe, its me son, Ben sat on the bed next to Little Joe, trying to reassure his son. His thick fisted knuckles brutally made contact with the side of Little Joes face with such force that it sent him crashing into the grandfather clock, rendering him unconscious. Why? He asked. They had been so busy on the ranch lately, and all Joe had been doing was fooling around. He knew Joe couldnt hear him, however, this one sided- conversation was already beginning to soothe his soul. When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle all the night. Marie smiled as the five- year- olds tired green eyes met hers. Kid, you see my son over there? Davids voice softened a bit as his eyes met Dax, and then sharpened once again as he turned back toward Joe, pushing him over on his back with his foot. Have a seat, Roy., Thanks, Ben. He took off his hat and began fidgeting with it. Dax? As he walked over he saw his son holding a picture. Was it really worth living the rest of his life with this on his own? Night Pa. Shaking his head, Adam reluctantly followed. The most beautiful dress for my beautiful wife.. Come on, Dax. Joes mother had been dead for about twelve years now. His sad eyes came in contact with his two brothers. Disclaimer:All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. Fanfiction Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Do you hear me, boy? The angered man kicked Joe hard in the back of the legs rolling him onto his stomach. Hey buddy, come on. Adam tried this time, while the doc continued to change the dressing. If this little wiggle worm would only stay still I wouldnt have to keep re-stitching him. A slight smile formed across his face which lightened the tension in the room. Completed wildwest bonanza littlejoecartwrightfanfiction +6 more # 2 The Wandering One by EmmyJo16 3.1K 57 19 He is young and strong, but still a very sick boy. Like Marie gave me. One of them was larger than Hoss. he finished as his concerned eyes met Adams. Pa, his fever seems to be down. Hoss explained. No, an image like that will forever be branded in Joes mind. Hurts.. Doc Martin did an excellent job with the sutures on his face for the scar was barely noticeable. The attack, Ben. He stood up, cracked his back and walked over to face Joe. He continued as he and Hoss carefully pulled Joes wet pants off while Ben was ready with a clean pair. Joes head hurt. He has never been left by himself for so long, and Hop Sing isnt even here. Adams voice could be heard upstairs where Joe was. Bonanza ~ Joe calls to Hoss before collapsing 11,020 views Dec 17, 2017 82 Dislike Share Save Jessica MacLellan 387 subscribers A clip taken from Season 7: All Ye His Saints. Letting his eyes wander further he found a picture of his mother. He was now experiencing excruciating pain in his left shoulder, and could only guess the severity of his injury. BEN, ADAM AND LITTLE JOE: THAT'S CAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! David and his wife encountered many challenges with Dax from the day he was born, but the most demanding one they faced was that he wouldnt be able to go to school with other kids his age for his mentality level was far below theirs. Lets go get your mother. And then they were gone. His concern now lie with possibility of open stitches with all the tossing and turning Joe had been doing. He imagined pa must have come and gone several times without once disturbing Adams sleep. I need you Adam! AHHHHHH! Joe wailed as fire immediately erupted at the site of his injury. Joe manages to pull her out and leans against her and starts crying. Come on Joe this is nonsense and you have a lot of work to do.. He shook his head violently, firmly rubbed his forehead as he took in a deep breath. YouYour speaking again. Tears welled up in his eyes. Why? Why would he say that about my mother? Im just giving ya a few extra pillows here to prop ya up.. No money is being made from this work. When a snow cave collapses, trapping his brother and his friends, Sparky knows what to do. It wasnt a fair fight by a long shot. Then he grabbed my arm, and wanted me to promise, he needed me to promise to save herher body and then he collapsed into my arms. He imitated the position in which hed held his baby brother. Im afraid the wound on his face might leave a scar, but its near his hairline so hopefully it wont be that noticeable. He could have died, pa! Ad-am hurts?. I want to check on those wounds of his for infection. After administering the medicine he began examining Joe. Can you help me sit up?, Sure. It was painful and slow going but, Adam managed to get him into a comfortable sitting position. Easy.. His fever masked his ability to feel any pain let alone know anyone. Joe suddenly realized that things were going from bad to worse. From a physical aspect the closest Hoss could remember was when his father had been beaten pretty badly by some men after hed won a bid for a timber contract. Its still playtime with that body. He laughed. With half a sandwich in one hand, Joe casually opened the door with the other. JoeSon. Ben was the first to respond and gently tried to rouse the young trouble man. You didnt deserve to have her as a mother. Let me go! That means youve got part of the responsibility of running this ranch, same as Pa and Hoss and me.. Easy son. Ben rushed over. Joe, stay with me. are the property of their respective owners. How dare I say that about Marie after all she did for us for me. Adam froze as the gruesome discovery made it very difficult for him to collect himself ,however, he swiftly knelt down beside his baby brothers head. Martin began . But the only problem is that it's not. Okay, easy, now lay him back., Adam? Joes opened eyes and met his older brothers. You got nothing better to do but to play with that?, What chance are you gonna have to use an epee out here in the west?, Youre a Cartwright! ,Joe..Joe. His shoulder still hurt like hell. I felt obligated to repay her. He rubbed his face with both hands as he heaved a deep sigh. Joe stopped swinging for a moment as he searched his thoughts for reasons. It was still thereshe was still there, untouched. Thanks. His voice was very weak and shaky, however, Joe was persistent. He was hurt, helpless, angry and now more afraid for his life than ever. A Reset font size. Thank you. With somber eyes he shook his old friends hand then glanced back at Hoss. Joe what do they want her body for? his! His breaths came short fast. Little Joe was miserably lost in his thoughts as he now sat atop his horse nursing his sore hand but not so much so that he didn't notice someone dart behind a stand of bushes in the distance. It hurt Hoss so damn much to see his little brother like this. Heck, hed just been with Joe the other day bringing the thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture. Jimmy get Doc. Joes fingers remained limp. Joe was barely able to slide his injured left arm across his body so he could examine his right side, where he now lay. Hop Sing had returned home and assisted in caring for Little Joe. But theyd gotten through it. ATTENTION All stories contained within this web site are the personal property of each individual author. I.. I Adam voice cracked as he searched for words. Slow your breathing buddy. Adam?. He looked down at Joe. His heart raced and his tears began to choke him. Bonanza Legacy - The Reading Room. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. They were a family, always there for each other. Joseph, can you hear me son? He stroked Little Joes hair. It felt like bees were continually stinging his back where the pieces of glass from the decanter had dug into his flesh. With a tremendous heave, Joe struggled to his knees, ready to attack the bully who now towered over him, but Dax gave him a hard swift jab to the stomach adding pain on top of pain to his already bruised ribs, and Joe to collapse back onto the floor. Son,we promised, Ben softened his voice as he lay his hand on Adams shoulder. I believe if it wasnt for Dubois finding his son with this, Joe would be a goner. He slowly handed Ben Maries slightly wrinkled picture as he scanned each mans watery eyes. He couldnt even remember seeing Adam cry before. Not his. The cloud burst as streams of tears lined his cheeks. The only conversation heard within the buggy was small-talk, for Little Joe seemed preoccupied with his surroundings as though it were the very first time he had been to the Ponderosa, but instead of feeling hurt, angry or scared, he was remembering and appreciating its beauty, its memoriesHis family. Felling better?. You and your no good father killed her. Adam said he will drive. He glanced over at Joe, waiting for an response. It's up to the youngest Cartwright's family to help him recover from the ordeal. Thank God, youre here. Ben sighed as he struggled to sooth his son. Ben finished collecting the papers, began to neatly place them into his saddlebags and slowly rose from his chair. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering . My ma-ma,Ad-am. It was a chore just to raise his eyelids half-way. I guess that is why I jumped on you when I saw you playing with that epee. Hurts. His ribs were going to take awhile to heal. It had been very easy to connect with Marie and shed quickly accepted the boys as her own. It was a chore for Joe just to try to catch his breath. Thats it buddy. He knelt down by the side of the bed. Breathe. A tear slipped out as Joe struggled for air. My.Ma-ma!. Lorne Greene. . Adams back! Hoss called out from down stairs. Then there was nothing left to do, except to watch the clock, wait for the doctor, and wonder just what it was that would make two men torture Little Joe for the sake of a body that had been buried for twelve years. It was obvious how they all were affected and how they all knew they had once again come together as a family, to not only help Little Joe but each other deal with what had happened. Jimmy, I will need you to stay here with Charlie and the doc. With somber eyes he turned toward Hank who was still standing behind the settee. Lets look at the shoulder and back. Turning Joe on his side was going to be painful as it put pressure on his right abdomen. Help.. He grabs the broom and limps outside. Maybe I can help., Wow, these guys both really need a bath! Joe thought. Have you seen them before? He was very careful with his tone as it was very clear that he now had two sons who needed his help. Dont worry, buddy youll be okay. The sheriff needs your help, now.. He simultaneously drew his gun and kicked Cochise to a full gallop. Ben was quick to check by placing the palm of his hand on his youngest sons forehead. 58 Stories. Hes my brother. The last time I saw that expression on him was when Marie died. He gently placed his hand on Bens shoulder. Oh, but it hurts so much. I..I..Im seventeen. Joe was struggling to keep his toes touching the ground. God if only Adam was here, he would know what to do. I dont want a shirt or nightshirt on him just yet. Ben trusted the doc as he has been to his house many times. The wounds on his back from the glass will heal fine as will the scratches on his chest. My mother. What wrong Joe?, Adam, I need to talk about what happened and its not just the injuries. Searching for the right words he began fidgeting with the sling which was still supporting his left arm. I am going to give him some laudanum. He set his medical bag down on the nightstand. Quickly he took notice that they were both preoccupied with something that Dax was holding, almost cradling.. Run Joe. Little Joe, you alright? A wave of concern stopped Hoss in his tracks. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as . I just didnt know what to do., Ben grabbed hold of his sons hand as he tried to console the young man, something he hadnt had to do in a very, very long time. David, already armed and prepared, met him midway as the sharp knife ripped into and across Little Joes right side sending him crashing to the floor in agony on top of his fathers now broken decanter. You never appreciated her. Was Adam really mad at him, or was there just more going on with Adam that he wasnt talking about? Replaying yesterdays events in his mind, Little Joe clutched the ax tightly in his hands and slammed it into the wood. Sort by: Hot. Charlie, his shirt and hands now bloodied, was clearly engrossed in doctoring Joe that it took a moment for him to realize that Adam was beside him.Adam, we couldnt get a good look at the guys. I let you and Hoss down. Raising his arm, Adam wiped his face along the upper part of his sleeve while his father walked over and knelt down in front of him. The realization of what happened to his little brother hit him smack in the face. Son, you never think something like this can nor will happen to someone so close to yousomeone you love. Bens eyes filled with tears as he remembered Marie. It wasnt the most comfortable position, but he was tired. Easy Joe, breath slow. Adam coached him. Heck they had both apologized right? Answers his older brother wasnt sure he could give, although he could give support and love. Why? Hoss and Ben were just as confused as to what was going on, however, were beginning to surmise it all tied to those men. Summary: When Ben decides to marry again for the fourth time, things as they had always been suddenly start going haywire, especially for Little Joe. This work could have adult content. Staring fiercely into Joes widened green eyes the man shouted, Just how old are you boy?. Joe swallowed and answered, Well, Im sorry but hes not here right now., The man took a half a turn to the right, My boy and I have some business with him. Jimmy was slower to approach, his own gaze locked on the gruesome towels. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. Not wanting to leave Joes side Ben responded, Have him come up!, It wasnt long before Adam stood in Joes doorway, frozen. Shhh, take it easy. Wonder if theyve been doing a little drinking while wrestling some pigs. Joseph. Ben called out to his youngest son now sitting on the settee. Only use it if necessary, and keep those cool towels on him. Adam please hurry home.. He has broken pieces of glass in his back., Ma-ma Half-conscious, Joe spoke letting out a soft moan as he trembled and squirmed. His wish always the same For his mother to come back. Adams nightmare returned and was staring right at him once gain. Joe was just. It might even have been tears he was wiping. You were in shock, scared and angry angry at the men who did this to your brother. Adam hung his head and was not able to meet Bens gaze. I know it hurts Joe, but we cant leave you like this. The doc explained to him. But Adams mind briefly played tricks on him for he saw straight through the dressings and was visualizing blood.lots of blood. You dont deserve to look like her. Listen, boy, with or without your help we will find Marie and bring her back with us to New Orleans where she belongs. Dax you spokeyou spoke Dax. David slowly knelt down beside his son and hugged him. Im here Joe, Yes, the voice he had been searching for since his nightmare began. He felt the wet blood as his throbbing shoulder met the desk. Leaning over Little Joe the hostile intruder yelled, She either was or wasnt your mother, boy, now which is it, answer me! Turning toward the door he called out, Dax where are you son? Hoss, North and South (by Writing Woman) . His large statue leaned forward as his hands were clasped together. As she rose from the rocker she noticed Ben leaning against the wall by Joes bed, I love you so much Marie! He walked over, kissed her and then watched as she gently lay the boy down in his bed. Ben and Adam still, at Little Joes side, while Hoss unfortunately, still keeping a slight distance, yearning for the timeday when Little Joe would not see him as a threat. Adam and Ben scanned the room only to find Hoss sitting in the wing back chair by the window. I am sorry, Joe. Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. Adam made a tight fist, while squeezing his eyes shut. He held out his hands in front of him, slowly glanced down and became entranced with what he saw. No sensible person would dig up someones grave Right? Using his right arm, Joe managed to prop himself up and leaned back against the desk. Why am I wet? he thought feeling a bit disoriented. Neither had any way of knowing what was going on in Joes fevered dreams now that all four men were standing over him. I-I tried to help him, but he was so weak and calling out for me to save his mother. He just had to pull himself together for his little brotherfor Little Joe. Bonanza Brand FanFiction Library. He and his son are from New Orleans. Thanks Adam. Joe softly answered. When will he be back?. SJS,JAM,ESA. What have I done to upset him so? An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. The moment he pushed himself to his feet the room began to spin while pain radiated through his body. Little Joe knew he had to do something.anything, but what? Adam, I dont know who else to talk to about this. He cringed as every move he made was painful. . Okay, Joe, let me check this last bandage here, and then I will let you get some rest, I promise. He turned Little Joes head to the right. Marie had been unaware of his existence, as he would sit in the far corner drinking alone while listening to Marie De Marigny tell her stories. He slowly drew up his legs. Well done ? Hoss just witnessed one of those setbacks. They had kept Dax home and tried to teach him what they could, however,when his wife died, Dax was devastated and stopped communicating. I love you Adam. He slipped off to sleep. There we are. He finished. Hed started discretely asking around to find out where shed gone. This had to stop and Joe knew it. Slow your breathing, Joe., Joe? His wounded body now drenched with sweat was soaking the covers. Mama ma-ma The words barely escaped his slightly ajar mouth as he began to call for his mother, almost expecting her to come. Come on, buddy. Ya gotta wake up, kid. he continued to try to rouse him. Martin, tell the Sheriff what has happened. Adam, hurts. With his good hand, Joe held his right side. Youre in good hands. Now where is she buried? Davids stern voice and devilish eyes suddenly sent chills down Joes spine. Joe, its meIm here Joe. Adam was quick to collect himself and tend to his little brother ,however, there was no response. Joe I cant believe how Ive treated you all these years. His memories came flooding back to him. He staggered as he bent over Joe, who now lay in agony and bleeding from his side as well as his shoulder. Where should he begin? Hoss and I will go get something to eat and change. We are going to bring your mother home, no matter what.. To the jail. He paused at the door, glowering back at his father. Now, however, he looked to be in another world. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. Tears clouded Bens eyes, as he gently took the photo.Thank you, he said softly, his voice cracking. th-ey want her.. bo-dy. He exhausted himself and slowly let go of Adam, closed his eyes and let the tears just flow down his pasty cheeks and whispered . Deserve to look like.. my mother, and that is when he did this. Joe pointed to his face, he hung his head, and could no longer hold it in. It seems to me he was responsible enough to get up early on his own to get the job done. A Increase font size. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. Im here, Joe., Adam, why? The seventeen-year-old kid was now searching, asking for answers from his older brother. I cant explain it, but it was obvious that Adam was somewhere else. Yes, he would have made her proud. He needed to talk. The tears flowed down his face and lightly wet the pillow. He see Cochise outside and then makes his way to the house. How about a buggy ride? Joe couldn't help it. Adam please let me finish, I have to get this out! He couldnt wait any longer, although his short, rapid breaths made it a struggle to talk. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. Youre safe and youre gonna be fine. Joe was confused. The doc will need it when he gets here, Charlie ordered, his eyes, still focused on his patient. He fought to keep his tired eyes open, for he and Hoss had rushed home after hearing the devastating news. Ben C., Adam C., Hoss C., Little Joe C. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,462 - Reviews: . You did all of the characters justis, especially Adam and Joe . Tears mixed with the blood on his tortured face. Listen, you little brat, my name is David Dubois and this here is my son, Dax. the blood that had surrounded her head while she lie on the ground, so still. Wasnt talking about me.. easy son at him once gain Thanks, ben on. His medical bag down on the ranch lately, and could only guess the severity of life. 15 year old has been hurt in many ways same for his life than ever on the nightstand hell someone! 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