It is warm in the summer and cold in the winter. PARAGRAPH 1 the reason behind imbalance -Reason is work life balance, increased competition at work, changes in society, boost in the quantity of working mothers puts pressure on the family, EG Studies in the usa show that families with two full-time parents are very likely to separate. Furthermore, it attracted other developments; the owners of Merry Hill even suggest it is creating a new town itself, with new houses appearing alongside. So, while (for example) they may have good access roads built, there will be fewer amenities built at the same time, and subsequent residential development which follows in the path often grows too quickly to incorporate the sort of planned town infrastructure which developed in more traditional, carefully planned town centre environments. A good example of this is Walmart in the US. Reason behind not doing enough physical exercise Joke: no natural predators nowadays, nature might have solved this problem, in the past wild animals would have eliminated those away from shape. Because the out of town developments are remote from the town centre, shoppers go there without passing the urban shops, which eliminates the opportunistic purchases which form a large part of many small shops custom. Once you have decided on a site, check with local authorities to see if you need to get any licenses or approvals first. If there are many similar stores already in the area, then your only option is to try and do something different and stand out from the crowd. The convenience of a shopping center means that your business will be more accessible and pleasant to visit. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. It is possible to spend an entire day out at the mall, shopping, eating, taking in a movie or playing games. Many doctors say that people in todays world do not do exercise that is enough physical. Some may argue however, that the redevelopments already taking place thanks to the bombings in Manchester allowed for modernisation, allowing the Arndale to continually compete with the Trafford Centre. In fact, many small towns with populations under 50,000 have no major chain stores at all. Therefore the building of Blue water is not justified. Some individuals believe they have a effect that is negative society and so should always be banned. Then, explain those ideas with more complex sentences and specific examples you can think of. Overall, while having everything available in one location is undeniably convenient, the harm to local communities is similarly clear. Out of town retail developments actually reduce effective competition because smaller urban outlets are not able to compete with them on price. The convenience and greater enjoyment offered by out of town malls can also push urban shopping centres into improving their own provision for consumers. These center-based retail areas are found in small towns as well as large cities. Mall culture has become big business, as shopping malls have evolved into multi-storied structures housing a large number of stores that sell diverse products and services. People who live nearby usually go to city centers while people from outside the area come to out-of-town centers. Assess the Impact Of Out of Town Shopping Centre Retailing Areas on the Regions in Which They Occur. The easy access of both sites and, in fact,, all out of town shopping centre sites, means that customers dont have to compete with CBD traffic, a positive impact of the development as it allows for easy access for consumers and reduces city congestion for commuters. For others, shopping is fun and relaxing, a release from the world of work. Which opinion do you agree with and why? In order to build one in my neighborhood, some open space would have to . Media campaigns by the government Tax or incentives that are financial In Tokyo . What do you think will be the reasons for this? Budget supermarkets are the new M&S. The retail park concept has changed dramatically over the past decade. Out of town shopping centres represent a sensible, efficient land use. Online shopping cuts a lot of hassle and stress out of going to the store but also has a possibility of charging more. You may need to delete or add words to the sentence as you make it stronger. Abdelghani 2013; Yaliner Erkokun and Ozduru 2010), and very few studies have . There are several disadvantages to out of town shopping centres. But theres already evidence to suggest it is attracting further nearby developments, such as the newly Chill Factore. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. The advantages of shopping malls Shopping malls are convenient for both customers and you and your employees. In conclusion, shopping at large out-of-town malls is less beneficial for consumers because there are fewer options available and it's more stressful than shopping at smaller local businesses or downtown districts. (Body 2) Nevertheless, the merits of having a wider range of buying options coupled with better price tags should not be neglected. Horrible. Local pollution can be greatly reduced by using modern energy-saving designs which are not possible in city-centre locations, and by providing bus and light-rail services from nearby population centres. The advantages of out of town shopping centres are particularly that is limited For example: those without transport are disenfranchised Traffic on the roads ALSO (MAIN POINT) -Some might argue they create jobs .. but really it really is probably just shifting employment from 1 area to another. It is time-consuming for shoppers to visit out of town centres because of their distance from population centres and the tendency for their access roads quickly to become clogged with traffic. Another highly undesirable outcome is the deterioration of air quality due to increased traffic congestion surrounding these new shopping destinations. Efficient urban development, by contrast, tends to go upwards (or downwards) in multi-storey buildings, often with parking below and apartments above retail space. Disadvantage: traffic would increase substantially in the parts of the town centre that most pedestrians actually use. Most of the shopping centres in my neighbourhood are not. Shopping centres and out-of-town retail parks hit harder There are shopping malls available, but they're in the neighbouring estates and you'll have to travel out. After increasing sales every year since opening, Merry Hill has had to recompete, with plans for a 12 screen cinema, a bowling alley, comedy club, a casino and other leisure activities. Finally, they remove a sense of local diversity. If retail had been dying a slow death before the arrival of Covid-19, the pandemic has done nothing to provide life support. In some cases, they are surrounded by industrial buildings or other commercial space. The complete . First, an increase in the unemployment rate can be seen from this out-of-town shopping trend. Rising Business Rates and Inflation Increasing business rates have contributed to the struggles of high street stores. disadvantages of out of town shopping centres. As the saying goes, You cant have your cake and eat it too, and in this instance it seems that the benefits of large stores is outweighed by the economic and social harm they cause. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages? Shopping centers attract visitors who want to engage in entertainment as well as those who simply want to enjoy the comfort of being in a crowded place full of things to look at. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. The impact of out-of-town shopping centres in the United Kingdom is studied in the context of urban planning, [1] town centre redevelopment, [2] the retail industry [3] [4] and even public health and gender divides. Families who choose to visit a mall on the weekend or holiday for a family outing find it to be a more convenient option mainly because parking is provided. That make them even more appealing! Bigger storefronts, implying a wide choice of items that benefit from economies of scale The weather has little effect on indoor shopping centers. only one large food retailer, only one Do-It-Yourself store, only, only a few shoe shops, etc.). In addition, the lower costs of the labour force, due to less competition means the operational costs of stores can be reduced, thereby decreasing the prices of goods in such supermarkets. * Bei Fragen einfach anrufen oder schreiben: +49 (0)176 248 87 424. grant williams actor cause of death; thierry godard interview english; thomas edison descendants Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. CONCLUSION Consider both, but give more weight to sociability. No strong scientific study Present globally but clearly only the US has issues gun violence that is regarding. To the greater public though greater traffic congestion and damage to the countryside often takes place. There are people who get excited about finding special items under the Christmas tree or during holiday seasons like Halloween and Thanksgiving. Out of town malls do not serve shopper interests well. big set of great vocab for Lexical Resource score there. Proudly created with In an age where anything can be found in just a few clicks, a lack of online presence can be a death knell for already struggling businesses. How many shopping centers are there in New Jersey? For one thing, encouraging people to drive increases traffic congestion and air pollution, while also making it necessary to build more roads, which makes the problem worse. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Also, make sure the land you choose is legally accessible. The more that people reject leaving high street shops in favour of larger stores in suburban districts/areas the more the quantity of purchases in centrally located shops. Shopping centres only started when cars started to be mass produced because lots of people had to have a car for the businesses in the shopping centres to become profitable. I dont really make a difference between up-market shops or down-market shops, i just buy at a shop where i like the product the most. What you think is the reason? As out of town centres are often built on aest. This is not only true in the initial construction stages, it will also apply once it is up and running, as retail staff will typically be recruited fairly locally. This creates issues with smaller stores going out of business, people not having access to these stores, and growth in the use of cars. Task 1 - template sheet Thanks to BBC Bitesize Out-of-town retail developments are more convenient for customers to visit than urban or town center shopping areas. It is located in Trafford, Greater Manchester, and runs adjacent to the Bridgewater Canal. Less than half the price of our monthly plan. This may include getting building permits issued for renovations or additions to existing structures. If our survey suggests anything, it is that planning decisions need to be taken after extensive public consultation. Out-of-town malls also offer children's activities, health care facilities, and offices for small businesses. (Conclusion) In conclusion, although the tendency towards shopping at large out-of-town stores can result in some employment and environmental problems, I am of the view that this trend will surely bring more convenience to shoppers. Theres also bus links from Manchester and Stockport town centres and plans are in place to extend the metro link in to the area. It is easier for shoppers to visit an out of town retail development than an urban or town centre shopping area. Not all points have to be covered in the same amount of words, but at least mention them. JOKE Sedentary lifestyle at the office Lack of the time for sport in a lot of modern lifestyles (40h / week + commuting etc), What solutions are there to the problem? Furthermore, small stores are often family-run businesses, whereas large stores are often owned by huge corporations that do not give back much to the community. But the question is Where should we do the shopping ? Forums Essay, Paragraph, Dialog & other Composition Writing. Because they are not organic growth, out of town centres often warp local infrastructure provision. The Trafford centre currently employs 7,000 people from a local workforce. Shopping at malls eliminates this problem, because parking is provided either free of charge or for a nominal fee. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Whats the good reason for this? Families who choose to visit a mall on the weekend or holiday for a family outing find it to be a more convenient option mainly because parking is provided. Government should help to make both objectives possible. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. Among the list of skills that a member of staff should possess, which skill do you believe is more important, social skills or good qualifications? Because out of town centres often do not clearly serve a particular residential area, they distort growth as it means that, rather than responding to a residential areas needs, the centre is built and attracts residential development around it for convenience, regardless of whether this is the most appropriate planning approach for local communities. Nevertheless Blue water had a huge capital investment of 400 million but this is gained back after just 6 months sales. Companies in larger cities usually experience a higher average volume of productivity than those . harmless and help individuals to relax. The shops of Altrincham's high street are unable to draw their usual local consumer base, having served 212,000 residents and the local wealthy areas of Hale and Bowden. Some people argue that small local businesses are finding it extremely difficult to survive in the midst of swift growth and development of supermarkets and that the local communities would die out as the local businesses shut down. Do You Agree or Disagree With Euthanasia or Mercy Killing? There are more specialty stores in out-of-town centers because there is less competition from large department stores. Difficult parking,long distances to ascertain merchandise,weird stores that No one seems to go to,expensive food at food courts:you go to the McDonald's about a quarter of a mile up the street is much cheaper vs the McDonald's in the food court,dirtiness nowadays of facilities. In addition, the lower costs of the labour force, due to less competition means the operational costs of stores can be reduced, thereby decreasing the prices of goods in such supermarkets. -Market will likely grow and it will be completely normal in the future. Astonishingly, local authorities are not obliged by the latest Government planning guidelines to seek out local consumers' views in any detail. This makes it advantageous for people to choose to shop at a mall rather than a single store. Things to Do for a 15-Year-Old's Birthday. Now that you have found a suitable site, it's time to start planning the mall. Solihull, one of the towns affected by Merry Hill, was not so fortunate; it had to recover from a greater loss of sales. IDEA / PARAGRAPH 1: they perform better in schools -definitely better Types of reward certificate, recognition, positive reinforcement, research has revealed children are sensitive and easily influenced when younger, therefore positive environment probably better, IDEA / PARAGRAPH 2: they perform better when punished works but too harsh for childhood Possibly does work, however its old fashioned, potentially dangerous could discourage a student for a lifetime. Prior to 1980s, all shopping centres were located within city centres, such as the Arndale centre in Manchester. What could be the root cause of the behaviour? In addition, the interiors of shopping centres are actively managed and so are typically clean, relatively safe and may offer their own entertainment (e.g. Furthermore, with the average spend being 100, and 27 million yearly visitors, there is much stimulation for the local economy. Shopping malls incorporate a large number of products and services inside them. The popularity of the Trafford Centre for instance, means that there is often congestion on the M60s Barton Bridge. Her favorite topics to write about are DIY projects, hot trends and beauty product comparisons. This essay will look at the benefits and drawbacks of this situation. Japan has a rather bleak future because of the low fertility rate, perhaps this type of future might be avoided with additional generous legislation. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. In the body, have one paragraph for the good things and one paragraph for the bad (the order does NOT matter). Merry Hill was met with protests. Dana Wales is a freelance writer who has been writing for over 7 years. Large car parks which are free. Shopping at a store can be very tiring after plus all the work of putting the stuff you bought away. 486 Words The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Another advantage is that these large shopping centres dont take up that much space, compared to how much space 300 high street shops would take all lined up side by side. Is it a confident or a development that is negative? People visit shopping centers for everything from groceries to furniture. Out-of-town malls also have more dining options. Psychological drivers of men include: dominance, control, Paragraph 2 Agree Men are more competitive even though it is hard to state without sounding sexist will it be nature or nurture difficult to express. This move, however, raises two concerns, namely the closure of small stores in urban centers and a potential increase in car use as more people need access to suburban shopping. Looking at the advantages of having large shopping malls in the outskirts of cities, I believe that the disadvantage of increased use of cars can be overlooked. The concentration of products in one location make these retail outlets attractive destinations for consumers, who almost without exception drive to them. -Regulations from government, increasing maternity leave, more flexible working practices, reduced working week, EG France had a 35 hour working week. PARAGRAPH IDEA 1: Social skills more important no man is an island idiomatic expression correctly used for example in context we are in need of people around us Lacking social skills could seriously disrupt, demotivate and damage a group. Younger Population | IELTS UNLOCKED, IELTS Essays: Advantages and Disadvantages Working from Home | IELTS UNLOCKED. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Advantages of out-of-town shopping centres, Disadvantages of out-of-town shopping centres, Name 3 out of town shopping centres in UK and more. This is because there is less pressure to perform at higher levels by offering food, entertainment, or apparel as well as shopping. Conclusively, out of town shopping developments bring wealth to an area and provide jobs. 0. For example, don't select a site that has an underground stream because it's not readily visible, but such locations are difficult to develop. Some people go shopping to have fun. In a traditional environment where shops are immediately beside residential areas, this is a nuisance to local residents; this is not the case in out of town sites. One controversial aspect of malls has been their effective displacement of traditional main streets. Disadvantage. in journalism and a M.A. This increases pollution from exhaust emissions. Unpredictable Owners - Shopping malls are governed by single property managers and owners. Parking is one of the major hassles for people who go into the city to shop. Because of their huge purch, Out of town shopping centres represent a sensible, efficient land use. Large-scale shopping does not sit well with residential behaviour. With working from home set to double after the crisis, and a massive increase in online shopping already enshrined in consumer behaviour, up to 400,000 retail jobs are now at risk, says KPMG. There are also fewer opportunities for errors like mixing up sizes in a clothing store or forgetting an item number on an electronic device. One of the major disadvantages of shopping malls is their inconveniences. Include specific details and examples to aid your option. Horrible. Senior citizens with mobility problems may have difficulty in traversing the mall, because of the largeness of the place. (/ To run an efficient modern shop, large amounts of space with particular planning needs often have to be used. Hypermarkets and malls promote competition and so serve consumers well. They also offer security inside the buildings with surveillance cameras and guards who can help if someone tries to steal your stuff. Take for example Mega Market in District 2, HCM City. Disadvantage. 32. There are disadvantages to consider when deciding to market retail online. Reduced Business Volume. the poor and the elderly. This especially affects some social groups, e.g. Devon Willis started writing in 2002. . Out of town centres distort urban growth patterns. Escalators connect the upper and lower levels. Read this quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending." Building modern retail outlets large enough to be economic in urban centres would also involve a great deal of destruction and the sacrifice of historic buildings and local character. A good example of this is Walmart in the US. Chances are that those shopkeepers will be forced into bankruptcy and make their staff redundant. Second, they tend to be large and sprawling, making it difficult to find what you're looking for and easy to get lost. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of each underlined word or word group by writing above it one of these abbreviations: Then he begins telling about\underline{\text{about}}about his morning\underline{\text{morning}}morning adventures. Many people think women must certanly be given equal chances to work and excel inside their careers. Also people too old to drive or people who are disabled in some way e.g; blind, disabled/paraplegic, health conditions etc. Crime Rates Write a passage of about 120-150 words about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city s Nowadays, more and more people choose to live in the city In this essay, I will. By - December 14, 2021. PARAGRAPH 1 -Marketing. (292 words), BAND 9.0 Essays: Opinion Investing in Science (Real Test 2017), IELTS Essays: Discuss Both Views Trains, IELTS Essays (Basic to Band 9): Discuss Junk Food, Pingback: IELTS Essays Real Test: Opinion Old vs. We look forward to that. Although, I believe that shopping malls are more important than parks or sports centers in the city. This means that the market is really aimed at people between the ages of 17 to 60 which is still a very large market. However, the empirical evidence on the effects of external shopping malls on city centres is inconclusive (e.g. This obviously resulted in the closure of virtually all of the shops and left thousands of people unemployed with no money and eventually forced to go and work for one of the large shops chains in Blue water or move elsewhere in search of another place to set up a business. The number of vacant shops in the town centre or CBD is almost double that in out-of-town retail parks Environmental effect of out-of-town shopping Advantages and Disadvantages of Shopping Malls The Mall, an out-of-town shopping centre at Patchway, near Bristol, England. humboldt county murders 2020 disadvantages of out of town shopping centres. Families get to do their weekly shopping, pick up odds and ends and keep the kids entertained at the mall. It is not always easy to go to a shopping mall and exit with only what you came to purchase. (LogOut/ Quora User PARAGRAPH 2 -Results? More accessible than city centres, which are often congested. This is not always the case with local markets, who instead rely on being located in central areas with many customers walking by each day. This has come to the objection of many environmentalists, farmers and those who generally hold appreciation for country areas. The average spend being 100, and offices for small businesses is still very... Manchester and Stockport town centres are often built on aest effective competition because urban! All the work of putting the stuff you bought away local consumers ' views in any detail nominal fee that. The market is really aimed at people between the ages of 17 to 60 which is still very... Links from Manchester and Stockport town centres and plans are in place to extend metro... Opportunities for errors like mixing up sizes in a clothing store or forgetting an number! Ielts Essays: advantages and disadvantages Working from Home | IELTS UNLOCKED IELTS. 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