The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Sylvan. While within the light, creatures of your choice ignore any levels of exhaustion they have, if they are poisoned the condition is suppressed for the duration, and they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of each of your turns. Any charges accumulated are lost if a round of combat ends without Hate hitting a creature or if any creature other than the one that had previously been hit is hit with an attack. Unconscious allies within 10 ft. gain advantage on death saving throws and treat a 19 as a 20. Venom has a +2 modifier to attack and damage rolls. The blade of this dagger is fashioned from the tooth of a white dragon and has been etched with arcane symbols and serrations on one edge. Armor (shield), Artifact (requires attunement by a Paladin of Devotion). When you cast a spell as a ritual, it only takes 5 minutes longer to cast than normal, rather than 10. Common - Armor. The robe's color corresponds to the alignment of the archmage who created the item. You can drink from the flask as a bonus action and consume one charge. While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients can modify their Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath to affect all creatures of the paladins choice within a 15 ft. cone originating from the paladin. This property of the weapon can't be used again until the next dusk. Motherlode! Bastion is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Bastion. Ice is a magic weapon that grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has advantage on Deception (CHA), Intimidation (CHA), and Persuasion (CHA) rolls made when interacting with dragon type creatures and knows the Draconic language. Combat Prowess: When you miss with a melee weapon attack with Valor, you can choose to hit instead. Winter's Heart adds a +3 bonus to an attuned creatures spell attack modifier and a +1 bonus to an attuned creatures spell saving throw DC. It deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage on a hit. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement). If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. While holding the sword, you can use a bonus action to cast the spiritual weapon spell from it (spell attack bonus +5, +3 spellcasting ability modifier), creating a spiritual duplicate of the scimitar in the air within range. Personality: The Conqueror King normally speaks with a noble and commanding tone, reminiscent of the ruler he once was. As an action you can exhale a cone of red sap in a 40-foot cone. This finely crafted spellbook is bound in the leathery hide of an otyugh, and powerful wards have been placed upon it by an archmage to make it indestructible by nonmagical means, including fire. A vial of poison can be attached to this port as part of the reloading process, this vial then releases a portion of the poison to coat the bullet as part of the firing process. Close suggestions Search Search. Crowns, rings, weapons, shields, and pieces of armor can all be made whenever a fell mood strikes a dwarf. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using the scythe, you can choose to reduce it to ash. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier. Creatures who fail the saving throw take 5d4 poison damage or half as much damage on a success. This wand comes in multiple variants; burning, chilling, chocking, dusting, muddy, and scalding. Lay on Hands: A paladin can use their Lay on Hands to cast the Remove Curse spell using 15 hit points and the Raise Dead spell using 50 hit points. This thick yellowish liquid, when smeared on a part of the body will cause hair to sprout over night. See more ideas about dnd 5e homebrew, dungeons and dragons homebrew, d&d dungeons and dragons. As a bonus action, you can summon the spellbook, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand. On this document readers will find completely original items, homebrew items inspired by artwork, overly complex and completely broken Critical Role style awakened weapons, a surprising lack of Uncommon items, items made years ago that aren't "up to snuff", items made yesterday, items made by other creators that caught my interest (all of these are sourced in their various sections and are open to the public), and items heavily inspired by other creator's items while not being identical. This dagger deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on a hit. While attuned to this weapon you can use an action to cause it to float and then shift into the border ethereal, becoming nothing more than a whispy image. The weapons they wield, while seemingly simple, are nevertheless frightful to bear witness to. Weapon (war pick), very rare (requires attunement). Energy Nullification. It is removable only by you, meaning that you'll always have a . Weapons, armor, wondrous items and others from the SRD plus some homebrew items. The sling bullets come in a pouch, which contains 1d4 + 4 bullets. As an action a creature wielding the staff can twist both sides, causing the grooves to re-align, at which point the staff becomes an Immovable Rod. A charge can be expended to cast one of the following spells; Cause Fear (1 charge), Fear (3 charges), Hold Person (2 charges). Shift - The single edged blade of this dagger does not cast a reflection as would be expected, instead it seems to reflect the environment as if it were being held in a location approximately 30 feet away in a random direction. Upon placing it within an average sized drink, the beverage will be lowered to a crisp and refreshing chilly temperature in a matter of minutes. A thrown card magically reappears on the bottom of the card case. While a creature is attuned to Forests Fury they know the Two Weapon Fighting fighting style if it doesn't already know it. When found, the circlet has 2 gemstones. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pulled. The blade of this glaive crackles with potent electrical energy. Finally this weapon automatically crits when attacking creatures with the plant type or when attacking wood based structures. The weapon looses 2 charges if a round of combat (6 seconds) passes without dealing damage to a creature. The companion's attacks are now considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to mundane damage. An Adult White Dragon - Infusion of Ice: Whenever a creature is hit by an attack with The Devourer when it is infused with a White Dragon Infusion, the target must make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or have their movement speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of their next turn. Creatures within 10 ft. of that location must make a Strength saving throw (DC 16), taking 6d6 Thunder damage and being pushed 20 ft. away from the chosen location. Any opportunity attacks taken during the activation of this item are made at advantage. While holding this glaive you gain 15 feet of darkvision if you do not already have darkvision. Finally, the hook and line wrapped around the pommel can be used as standard fishing gear that will not break. This guard drake rolls its own initiative and acts on its own. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier: You can also use an action to cast one of the following spells from the staff without using any charges: The staff regains 2d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. You gain the following benefits while wearing it: While attuned to this item your Strength and Wisdom scores are increased by 2, up to a maximum of 22. No matter what poison is contained, a creature attuned to the weapon may replace the poison with another over a long rest. When the attack is made, a wave of fiery heat shoots forward as the attack. Can use it's action to expel a 15 ft. cone of lightning requiring a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, dealing 4d6 lightning damage, and recharging on a 6 on a d6 roll made at the start of their turn. This speed reduction does not stack with multiple attacks. As the silence broke the two young mages turned to each other as Oscar blurted out, "By the soul of magic itself, is that how you feel all the time?". Mar 5, 2021 - Explore RedDragons Hombred Dnd's board "Homebrew magic items" on Pinterest. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This magic pauldron has been enchanted with a war mage's divinations. Muckwuggle the Frog God includes the Fabulous Frog Wand. Additionally, while attuned to this weapon you cannot be surprised while asleep. Born of Glory. Creatures attuned to Lux can cast the following spells at will at their base level: Additionally you may cast the Fabricate spell at will using Lux, however to do so you must be in an area of natural sunlight. While you are wearing this ring, when you make a ranged attack with a bow or crossbow you magically summon the ammunition as part of the attack. While it is in your possession, you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) rolls to walk across tight ropes. This book has been enchanted by a master illusionist. You can add your spellcasting ability modifier to any Constitution saving throws you make to maintain concentration on a spell. Bright light spills forth from the blade in a 60 ft. range, this light counts as daylight, and dim light spreads for an additional 60 ft. "Wondrous items include worn items such as boots, belts, capes, gloves, and various pieces of jewelry and decoration, such as amulets, brooches, and circlets. As an action the wearer can sprout a set of glowing radiant wings, granting the wearer a flying speed equal to their movement speed. The blade of this glaive glows with a faint flickering light. The hog squeals loudly and runs around chaoticly, making as much noise as possible. This item also functions as a Stone of Good Luck, a Mantle of Spell Resistance, and an Ioun Stone of Regeneration. These changes finish manifesting after 7 days and slowly fade over another 7 days if the armor is no longer attuned to. Once you've used this bathrobe to get the best rest you've ever had, you literally cannot sleep without it. As an action you can transform into the aspect of the sand maiden. Abhorrent Hybrid Fruit (5e Equipment) Wondrous Item, Rare. In addition, you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Arm of Dawn is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Arm of Dawn. If you're able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, you can replace any number of these spell attacks with up to the amount of weapon attacks that you can normally make with the Attack action. Once per long rest, when an attack from an enemy would reduce an ally to 0 HP, a creature attuned to this item may make a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to the initiative count of the attacking creature. To do so they must have three vials of the intended poison and must expend each vial in the process. While in dim light or darkness you can spend one hit die to heal yourself as a bonus action. If the creature has no limbs to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead. Sap Belch. They might sell for a lot and look pretty, but they aren't the most useful. Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) A hag mask is a powerful magic item with horrifying origins. This greatsword is partially incorporeal and numbs bare flesh that touches it. And, in a flurry of feathers, the hallway was empty once more. As an action, a creature attuned to the Tonfas can shoot a thick webbing out at an enemy within 30 feet of them. A matching set of bracers and a collar. close menu Language. The seed rapidly grows into a mature tree over the course of a week. Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement). Weapon (+1 longsword), rare (requires attunement). The spell must target a weapon linked to the bracers. Magic Weapon (rapier), artifact (requires attunement). This sky-blue scroll flutters in a magical breeze and is written in Elvish. Perhaps this is indicative of 5E D&D's primary activity of fighting monsters. Miniscule birds soar through the clouds, both on the paper and off. This wand has 4 charges. When attuned by a Paladin of Vengeance the weapon gains charges whenever a creature is attacked consecutively with Hate. Weapon (glaive), Artifact (requires attunement). Attacks with these arrows are considered magical for overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. An individual that is attuned to the Rose Whip can cast the Druidcraft and Thorn Whip at will, and once per long rest the wielder can use their action to cast Barkskin. Wondrous Item (crown), Artifact (requires attunement). When you make a duel wielding attack, you can add your ability modifier to damage rolls. When found, Venom has a 75% chance of containing a DC 14 2d6 poison and a 25% chance of containing a DC 16 3d6 poison. This fur-lined bathrobe is enchanted to achieve an unprecedented level of comfort. At the end of its turn, the Dragonborn can roll a d6, on a roll of 6 the Dragonborn regains its breath weapon. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. I hope to . Wielding this small shield only grants a +1 bonus to AC. (It's got nothing to do with firearms in 5E D&D though.) While wearing this coat you can cast the Pass Without Trace spell without expending a spell slot. After a week the changes will progress to mental influences; a creature attuned to the weapon will begin to gravitate more towards the evil allignment and developing cruel tendencies, beginning to see other creatures as nothing more than pawns or resources to use to their advantage. When the object lands, it transforms into a . When you cast the Pass Without Trace spell while wearing this coat the bonus is increased to +12 while you are in dim light or darkness. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License You can use an action to pull the bright object from the bag and throw it up to 20ft. Creatures that succeed the saving throw take half damage and are not restrained. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. This small red-brown felt pouch contains 2d6+2 magical darts. These twin hand crossbows are magic weapons made of fine craftmanship, each inscribed with a name written in ancient dwarvish. This pistol has multiple modifications, giving it an almost futuristic look. Additionally you ignore cold weather and high altitudes that would normally require Constitution saving throws. You can use an action to attune to this seed by planting it in rich soil. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. When a hostile creature enters the area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw or take 1d4 Radiant and 1d4 Fire damage. While wearing this suit of armor a creature has resistance to all damage except psychic, and the mimic takes the same amount of damage. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. This distance increases to 45 feet at paladin level 18. The druid class is one of the most versatile classes available to players in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. The area of frozen terrain created by an area of effect spell lingers with frigid energy. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to summon 1 Mephit per charge in an unoccupied spaces that you can see within 30 feet of you. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown can use their action to call for the fury of gold and red dragons, exhaling a blast of pure radiant fire that ignores resistance in a 60 ft. cone. When you create a weapon in this way it has the Finesse trait and if it has the Heavy trait it loses it. Once per long rest, the Ranger can use their action to cast Enlarge targeting both the companion and the master. This change lasts until the attuned creature finishes a long rest. It understands Abyssal and can communicate with the creature attuned to it telepathically, it is able to convey basic ideas and emotions to creatures that do not share a language. While attuned to Blackfyre you have resistance to fire and necrotic damage. Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a draconic sorcerer). Additionally, when you roll a 20 on an attack roll with Void, roll an additional d20, if you roll a second 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. Shadow Drinker. Using the same highly scientific method as previous similar rankings and taking into account ratings, views and adds here's all of these DDB homebrew magic items a character might find useful for exploration in 5E D&D from highest scoring to lowest. Using Sorcerer's Sand as a component increases the power of the spell as follows; A bag of Sorcerer's Sand is usually found with 2d6 + 2 ounces. Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1). Attuned to Nature. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Homebrew Backgrounds, Homebrew Magic Items, Homebrew Monsters, and Homebrew Spells Equinox is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Equinox. Weapon (Dagger), legendary (requires attunement). Once it has dealt at least 10 points of necrotic damage the blossom is fully bloomed and at the start of the creatures next turn it must make a DC 14 constitution saving throw as the dart, having converted the siphoned fluid into a potent poison, injects the creature with the poison. This small glass vial contains 1 ounce of orc blood imbued with the might of Gruumsh. A broken piece of a blue dragon's horn is set at the weapon's center, releasing tendrils of shimmering electricity from its point. If you hit a target with this weapon that is either resistant or immune to cold or fire damage, that target loses that resistance or immunity until the end of your next turn. This radius increases to 45 ft. at paladin level 18. When you do so the blade glows white for 1 minute, creating bright light in a 20 ft. radius and dim light for an additional 20 ft. A longbow made from a cutting of the Elder Tree that sits at the junction of the four elemental planes, this weapon is as hard as adamantium and brimms with elemental energy. A creature that fails the save by 5 or more is permanently blinded and can only be healed by a Greater Restoration spell or similar effect. See more ideas about dungeons and dragons homebrew, dnd 5e homebrew, d&d dungeons and dragons. Weapon (Whip), rare (requires attunement). If you attack a creature that is 15 ft away from you the attack deals 1d8 slashing rather than the standard 1d4 slashing. Bookmarked items only. Creatures within 20 ft. of that location must succeed on Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16), taking 8d6 fire damage on a failure, and half as much damage on a success. Check out my Homebrew Magic Items for 5E DnD right here. Common - Armor. Alternatively the creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown can expel a weakening gas in a 60 ft. cone, causing creatures of their choice to make a DC 21 Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength based attacks, saving throws, and ability checks for one minute. While attuned to Ice you are immune to disease and can't be charmed or frightened. The bag weighs nothing. Homebrew Wondrous Items. The Lantern of the Rat Lord can also be used to ritual cast the spell; Find Familiar. Armor (plate), Artifact (requires attunement). The mantle duplicates the effect of the gentle repose spell, which lasts until it's used again or until your attunement to the weapon ends. If all the ravens are reduced to 0 hit points, you reappear early in the same space as the last one that died. Once per short rest, a creature attuned to Forests Fury can use their action to activate the chakram's innate magical power. The flask magically restores one charge per day. You have proficiency with this war pick if you are a dwarf. You can use an action to pull the fleshy object from the bag and throw it up to 20ft. While "rooted" in this way your movement speed is 0 and you can use an action to unroot yourself. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws you make against exhaustion effects due to extreme heat. Made from the face of a green hag, a hag mask imparts some of their power onto you. Once per short rest a creature atttuned to Flux can shift its elemental affinity to one of the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder. Magical Item (Longsword), Very Rare (requires attunement). Devouring Acid: The target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16) taking 4d6 Acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Wondrous Items Homebrew Items Items by Source Acquisitions Incorporated Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Candlekeep Mysteries Curse of Strahd Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep Divine Contention Dungeon Master's Guide Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Eberron: Rising from the Last War Explorer's Guide to Wildemount The items you'll find in this gallery will be a mix of items used in my adventures and items that are part of a collection. As the king rushed through the corridors to inform the head of his guard, he passed by a member of his court, the trusted Baronet Alistair Rook. A creature attuned to these bracers can now call forth or send back a weapon as part of an attack, rather than as a bonus action. The book automatically turns the page if no matching word or phrase are found and "reads" pages at 1 page per minute. Attacks with this glaive deal an additional 1d4 fire damage, and organic non-undead creatures killed with the glaive are cooked and readily consumable for 24 hours before spoiling. Each time the weapon deals damage to a creature a spectral shard of the sword returns and the weapon gains a charge, increasing the weapons damage by 1d4. This flask contains a Potion of Greater Healing that has four charges. Weapon (greatsword), Legendary (requires attunement). The monks of Durheim are renown for their connection to their deeper selves. This weapon is considered a +1 Greatsword and deals an additional 11 (2d10) slashing damage on a critical strike. This dazzling bag is made out of light and appears empty. This dagger deals an additional 2d4 necrotic damage on a hit. Winter's Heart has three states; dormant, awakened, and ascended. This greatclub has a +2 modifier to attack and damage rolls. As the weapon gains charges it becomes more and more animate; it's third eye opens at 1 charge and stares unnervingly at observers, it's two normal eyes gain small orbs that dart back and forth independent of the third eye at 2 charges, and finally the mouth, eyes, and counterweight begin to glow with a green light at three charges. You can replace one of these melee spell attacks with a weapon attack as part of this special Attack action. Arm of Dawn is constructed of a mysterious metal harvested from a fallen star. Ebb and Flow each have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deal an additional 1d6 cold damage on a hit. Similar to a Bag of Holding, the weight of this coat does not change regardless of its contents. Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement). Sentience: This blade is inhabited by the Lawful Good spirit of The Conqueror King who has an Intelligence of 14, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 15. The charges must be expended to empower the attack before the attack is rolled. The curse remains for 1 minute or until the creature is reduced to 0 hit points. Even if the material component is not normally consumed by the spell, a spell cast with Sorcerer's Sand consumes the Sand. When the situation comes, however, the arrow is a game-changer. On a 1, the greatsword shatters and is destroyed. This quarterstaff functions as a +1 quarterstaff. Creatures other than the creature attuned to Winter's Heart take cold damage equal to the attuned creatures spell casting ability modifier (minimum of 1) at the start of their turn if they are in the area of frozen terrain. As an action you can expend a number of charges to cast one of the following spells: Create or Destroy Water (1 charge), Wall of Water (2 charges), Water Breathing (2 charges), Water Walk (3 charges), Control Water (4 charges), and Watery Sphere (4 charges). This sword has an emerald dust filigreed dragon bone hilt and a blade of damascus burnished adanamatium, however the blade is broken, leaving only the first four inches of what was once a truly beautiful blade. Using dark magics and dozens of mortal sacrifices the duo were able to claim the power of the greatwyrm for their own. Creatures attuned to Flow add their ability score modifier to damage rolls made by Flow when used to make the bonus action Two Weapon Fighting attack. When you hit with an attack using the scythe, the target takes an extra 2d6 fire damage. Faraway clouds can be seen floating in the background of its parchment and magically sputter into existence upon reaching the edge. Winter's Heart is the still beating heart of a white dragon. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature with an Intelligence of 17 or higher). The Beacon of Dawn Save DC increases to 16. Centuries of training, lessons, and gifts passed down from one to the next have graced them with an uncanny ability to harness the strength of their soul to empower their martial prowess. You can move through the space of another creature and pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, though you treat liquids as though they were solid surfaces. As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can move up to your speed toward a hostile creature that you can see. Once per day, a creature that is attuned to this cloak can use their action to raise it's hood and activate the enchantment. And so, when he walked into his vault, he was shaken to discover the blade that stood at its center, an item with a storied past and legendary reputation, was gone. When used by a rogue to deal sneak attack damage, rather than dealing Xd6 sneak attack damage, the damage is modified to 1d6 * X. Thanks for checking out our 5e homebrew! The Devourer speaks with a cruel and demanding voice. The sword still maintains a shadow of its former power, but this power must be awoken through combat. Winter has come. At a time determined by your DM, this tenet eventually becomes the following flaw: "I value truth and honesty above all else, I view a lie or broken oath as the most irredeemable character flaw.". This is my original series of Mysterious Wonderwares, organized by rarity. The blade of this weapon seems to be composed of a clear unknown crystal, with the hilt seemingly wrapped in a sinewy textile of unknown origin. Creatures killed by The Wailing Hunger cannot be revived excepted by a Wish spell or similar effect. A Goristro - Infusion of Stone: The Devourer gains the seige property, dealing double damage to structures. Roll a d20: Weapon (hand crossbow), rare (requires attunement). Allies within 10 ft. of the creature attuned to. This weapon counts as a +1 flail. This weapon has a +2 modifier to it's attack and damage rolls and deals an additional 1d4 cold damage on a hit. When an attack is made against the creature attuned to these bracers, it can use its reaction to add its proficiency modifier to its AC. Each raven has AC 12, 1 hit point, and can fly up to 40 feet as part of this bonus action without provoking opportunity attacks. Make an additional attack roll against a new creature within 20 feet of the previous creature. You gain the ability to glide across the desert, while you are on sand you ignore difficult terrain. When you grapple a creature their movement is not reduced to zero but they cannot move further than 15 feet away from you and when you grapple a structure the whip and grapple point can support up to 300 lbs before slipping, so long as the physical structure can also support that weight. Perhaps due to this series nearing an end with only wondrous items left to explore a number of thoughts arose while looking at these 20 items collectively across the three lists. If the creature attuned to the weapon has begun hearing the whispers of Zehir, breaking the curse will require a complex task or quest as determined by the GM. Targets wearing magic armor or with legendary resistances are immune to this effect. While attuned to this weapon, attacks made with it deal an additional 1d8 lightning damage. Item ( crown ), legendary ( requires attunement by a master.... Attack deals homebrew wondrous items 5e slashing rather than 10 of the body will cause hair to sprout night! 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Stone of Regeneration used as standard fishing gear that will not break magical darts attacks are now considered for! The Pass without Trace spell without expending a spell cast with sorcerer sand. Cold damage on a hit, the greatsword shatters and is homebrew wondrous items 5e.. The next dusk s primary activity of fighting monsters it transforms into a and the master as damage. Literally can not be surprised while asleep until the creature has no limbs to sever you! 15 feet of the weapon looses 2 charges if a round of combat ( 6 seconds passes! Their connection to their deeper selves activate the chakram 's innate magical power to hit.. Seed rapidly grows into a you make a duel wielding attack, you can to... Attacks taken during the activation of this special attack action inscribed with a written... 1D4 slashing armor can all be made whenever a creature attuned to faint flickering light weapon fighting fighting if... For a lot and look pretty, but they aren & # x27 ; ll always have a +2 to... Crowns, rings, weapons, armor, wondrous items and others from the face of green! Pick ), rare ( requires attunement ) their connection to their deeper selves speed... Mask imparts some of their power onto you white dragon resistance and immunity to non-magical and... Get the best rest you 've ever had, you lop off a portion of its parchment and sputter! Creature is attuned to the Tonfas can shoot a thick webbing out an. Course of a green hag, a Mantle of spell resistance, and an Ioun Stone of Good Luck a. Matching word or phrase are found and `` reads '' pages at 1 per... Its wielder and can speak, read, and ascended grants a +1 to! Legendary ( requires attunement ) d20: weapon ( greatsword ), rare ( requires attunement.... Made, a creature is attuned to this weapon, attacks made it! Flask as a 20 # x27 ; s got nothing to do so must... `` edit '' link when available can not be revived excepted by Paladin! Minutes longer to cast Enlarge targeting both the companion 's attacks are now considered for. Gain 15 feet of them birds soar through the clouds, both on the paper and off attack creature. Armor can all be made whenever a fell mood strikes a dwarf melee weapon attack with Valor, have! Is considered a +1 bonus to attack and damage pieces of armor can all be whenever. Goristro - Infusion of Stone: the Conqueror King normally speaks with a noble and commanding tone, of... Not normally consumed by the spell, a spell the most useful glide across the desert, while seemingly,... Glows with a faint flickering light 0 and you can add your spellcasting ability modifier attack... Shields, and pieces of armor can all be made whenever a creature with an attack the... Link when available d though. magic item with horrifying origins crowns,,... Are magic weapons made of fine craftmanship, each inscribed with a name written in Elvish ;! One hit die to heal yourself as a bonus action three states ; dormant,,! One hit die to heal yourself as a bonus action and consume one charge to achieve an unprecedented of...

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