While COVID-19 vaccines are free to receive in the U.S., theyre being paid for by taxpayer dollars at a rate of $19.5011 per dose. These agreements are confidential, but luckily one country did not protect the contract document well enough, so I managed to get a hold of a copy, he wrote. A leaked video reveals that in June, the researchers presented serious findings to the MOH, that indicated long-term effects, including some not listed by Pfizer, and a causal relationship. They wanted people to forget about this, he said. Worldwide Safety Theres a potential side effect with the Covid-19 vaccine, and its the pits. These molecules instruct our cells to make a harmless piece of coronavirus protein, triggering And the funds for IMF , WB, CIA, Wall Street, have come from the embezzlement by WS using the Federal Reserve ?? They may have temper tantrums, bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior problems. When has the lack of transparency become the hallmark of a government? In June 2021, they signed one of their biggest contracts to date with the Philippine government for 40 million doses. While similar to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which applies to nonpandemic vaccines, the CICP is even less generous when it comes to compensation. Most cases have been reported after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines), particularly in male FDA approved means that it is approved by the drug industry in order to make money. This suggests that there is widespread corruption in the medical community, government agencies, among public health officials, the mainstream media, and social media companies worldwide: they will not acknowledge any event that goes against the mainstream narrative. Brandy Vaughan was a former high-level. Because of quite a few side effects we said: 'OK, it exists and reports exist, BUT STILL GET VACCINATED'". This is a level of corruption that is unprecedented. However, over 90% of the reports detailing the characteristics of the duration of this adverse event indicatelong-term changes(emphasis in the original. Other more serious side ellects included, but were not limited to: auto-immine disorders; blindness: diabetes: berpes: heart problems such as myocardite; divroid disorders:neurological condations such as multiple sclerosis; sexures; epilepsy;narcolepsy and Guillain-Bame Syndrome. Miss a day, miss a lot. The formal report was finally released, on August 20, in a closed press briefing, and surprisingly, the MOH admitted in this report, black on white, that Israel did not have a functional adverse events reporting system until December 2021. Suramine is het tegengif voor de biologische wapens en overdracht. Fever after COVID-19 vaccines Its common to develop a fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above) after COVID-19 vaccination. Fact #8 : Pfizer Documents Did Not Reveal Thousands Of Side Effects. A leaked document broken down by Twitter user Ehden reveals the shocking terms of Pfizer s international COVID-19 vaccine agreements. The data in the table is clear:the chances of developing covid-19 increases significantly following subsequent booster jabs. One question that we should all be asking is this: If the COVID-19 vaccines are, in fact, as safe and effective as the manufacturers claim, why do they require this level of indemnification? Albania, the leaked contract revealed, paid $12 per dose, while the EU paid $14.70 per shot. Did Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha Collapse From Vaccine?! TF; I agree with you completely. Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban. Purchasers must also indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the Vaccine., Waives sovereignty of its assets abroad in favor of Pfizer.. 23x40 - 26x48 - 33x60 - Custom and several Journalists including the BMJ were sent coples of the leak by anonvmous senders. $2 per shot of that extra margin is paid to said officials? The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers, headed by pediatric specialistProfessor Mati Berkowitz, head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology unit at Shamir Medical Center, to analyse the data from a new adverse event reporting system they instituted to coincide with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in children age 5-11. Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine: Recent documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have made some important revelations pertaining to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. ref. Safety and efficacy not currently known. Did Health Canadas Adam Exton Die From Vaccine?! En enkele suggesties voor hulpverleners. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or other dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited. Off Guardian has made an assessment of the authenticity of these documents see, https://off-guardian.org/2021/07/29/covid-vaccines-the-leaked-pfizer-contract/, Leaked Pfizer contracts show they knew of adverse effects and lack of long-term efficacy of vaccines. Here are their main findings and points: An important example that demonstrates the severity of these findings is menstrual disorders. Pfizer has also demanded that countries put up sovereign assets, including bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings, as collateral for expected vaccine injury lawsuits resulting from its COVID-19 inoculation. In the U.K., as of July 15, 87.5% of the adult population had received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 67.1% had received two. Because of quite a few side effects we said: OK, it exists and reports exist, BUT STILL GET VACCINATED'. Here we will have to really think medical-legal. The BMJwas criticised for reviewing the leaked documents without first verifying their authenticity and accuracy. (The NVICP does, too, but at least you have a shot at getting some compensation from the supervising National Vaccine Injury Court special Master.). Fact #2 : EMA Cyberattack Occurred In January 2021. Then, when the reports still continued and became impossible to deny, the authorities, and experts on their behalf, changed the narrative admitting there might be a relationship, but even if there is one, the symptoms are mild and transient. They commissioned a research team to analyze the reports from a new systemimplemented on December 2021. Israels Ministry of Health commissioned researchers to investigate Pfizers Covid-19 vaccine for adverse events in December 2021, a full year after rolling out the mRNA shots, but the research was shut Burning Platform LLC - Recommended : Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?! Due to limited time and resources, they decided to first analyze only the 5 most common side effects they identified: 1. neurological injuries; 2. general side effects; 3. menstrual irregularities; 4. musculoskeletal system disorders; and 5. digestive System/kidney and urinary system. Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Childrens Health Defense. The contract stipulates that the countries accept that the development of the vaccines are subject to significant risks and uncertaintiesPurchaser acknowledgesthe long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Custom Union Designs on Request All of thee side effects have been mentioned in the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database. Senate Bill 1869 = Permanent Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations, Digital Prisons, Medical Martial Law under WHO/NWO Control. And global domination by Wall Street ??? The researchers also noted many cases of what Levi called the re-challenge phenomenon or the recurrence or worsening of a side effect following repeated doses of the vaccine which the researchers said indicated there was most likely a causal link between the vaccine and many side effects. Flagrant, In-Your-Face Corruption Led to Ohio Train Disaster, David Sirota Tells RFK, Jr. Why Did Wuhan Lab Turn Down SARS Researchers Request for Biosafety Level-4 Access? The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. That decision was made 3 weeks after the IMOH had been warned about these results and their implications. Damn talk about a one sided contract. The U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) had previously agreed to withhold the documents and their shocking revelations from the public for 75 years. In fact, since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, many Israeli experts have expressed serious concerns regarding the ability of the IMOH to monitor the safety of the vaccine and provide reliable data to the world. Do Not Fear Nuclear War You Can Survive! It's free. Als onderdeel in het spel toont James OKeefe het bekende driehoek symbool in de video van zijn organisatie, gefinancierd door Trump en de gebroeders Koch, Brandy Vaughan, Big Pharma whistleblower and outspoken critic of vaccines was found dead by her ten-year-old son in 2020. There needs to be an investigation ASAP into what happened, but the head of the MoH, Nitzan Horowitz, isnt calling for one, he said. Published by academics in Sweden, the study purports to show that the "messenger" RNA at the heart of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine can be converted to DNA inside a human cell via "reverse transcription". Please give what you can. Dont forget to protect yourself, and your family, by vaccinating against COVID-19! While anti-vaccination activists framed the leak as evidence of collusion between EMA and Pfizer, they actually show that EMA regulators were doing their jobs. Eindtijdnieuws.com 8 december 2022, Wat is hersengolfprogrammering? pic.twitter.com/IgXavuYaSH. Pfizer cannot be fined for late deliveries, nor does the contract allow the cancelling of orders for whatever reason. The purchaser of Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine must also acknowledge two facts that have largely been brushed under the rug: Both their efficacy and risks are unknown. The leaked data consisted of confidential documents on the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine candidate (later known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COMIRNATY COVID-19 vaccine), which included internal / confidential email correspondence from November, relating to evaluation processes for COVID-19 vaccines. The side effects included menstrual irregularities and various neurological side effects, muscle-skeletal injuries, GI problems and kidney and urinary system The company also acknowledges that there may be harmful side effects, but that it is not willing to take on the responsibility for these side effects. Eindtijdnieuws.com 16 december 2022 De Illuminati: Uiteraard gebruikt de vaccinindustrie valse en/of slechte verklaringen om deze vrijelijk te kunnen gebruiken. In early June, the researchers presented their findings to MOH senior officials, including Dr. Emilia Anis, head of the MOHs epidemiological department. Now, the vaccine development has been heavily subsidized already. * Long-lasting In one of the slides, the researchers wrote:Studies carried out on the above-mentioned subjec noted short-term abnormalities (up to a few days) in the menstrual cycle. Symploms include anciety, confusion. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Fact #4 : Leaked Documents Was About Quality Of Early Vaccine Batches. Global Research Yet, it continues to be ignored in favor of more expensive, and less effective, treatments and mass experimental vaccination. It also lists covid-19 associated pneumonia as a side effect. NurPhoto via Getty Images. Kirsch also commented on the lack of media coverage of the Israeli researchers findings: Dr. The documents appendix is nine pages long and lists all recorded adverse events associated with Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine. It is killing our elderly, young & unborn. Everyone in the world rolled out thisgene-altering vaccinewith nano lipids that essentially carpet-bombed the internal organs of all thosewho received this vaccine, including children., Isnt that the worst of it? We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The pope serves as a moral Leader of the CAPITALIST and is very active in the Vaccination campaign. We Are In A FOURTH TURNING, What Does That Mean? EMA states that the information was partially doctored, and that the perpetrators selected and aggregated data from different users and added additional headings. The research team repeatedly stressed during the discussion, Shir-Raz said in her translation and summary in English, that their findings indicate that contrary to what we were told so far in many cases, serious adverse events are long-term, that last weeks, months, a year, or even more, and in some cases ongoing, so that the side effect still lasted when the study was over.. Was this only due to panic, or are people in our governments earning commissions from this contract? So I know exactly what is being reported to us. While many anti-vaccination activists are promoting the article as coming from an Irish newspaper,The Irish Light is a self-printed newspaper that was launched in August 2021 by two former journalists turned COVID conspiracy theorists Gemma ODoherty and John Waters. Her scholarship has been published in Health Communication. The Centre of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post Global Research articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Global Research article. LEAKED: Israeli Researchers Discussing Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects Warning of Medical-Legal Consequences. And, Ehden adds, This agreement is above any local law of the state.. The other contracts were brought to the publics knowledge by Ehden Biber, an information security expert who found several contracts including that of the digitally-signed Brazilian contract, at least two others in the European Commission, and the Dominican Republic. THE documents were leaked due to a cyber attack on the European Medicines Agency(EMA) website. Soon after the report, however, they reverted the number to the 6,079 from the week before, indicating by default that no deaths from the vaccine had occurred that week,34 raising serious questions about transparency and vaccine safety. The most common solicited systemic adverse reaction after any dose was The CICP also has a one-year statute of limitations, so you have to act quickly, which is also difficult since its unknown if long-term effects could occur more than a year later. But Yaffa Shir-Raz wrote acomprehensive articleabout it in English on her website, thenEtana Hechtcovered it in her excellent Substack post, so I figured it was well and covered, and Im super busy working on something very important. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. plot or plan was the craziest thing Tom had ever heard of. Countries that purchase the vaccines have no right to withhold, offset, recoup or debit any amounts owed to Pfizer. They must pay for the doses they order, regardless of change in circumstances. The Pope fornicated with the merchants and leaders of the world in order to advance his PLAN, This is BRIBERY of Golden opportunity putting the health and life of the people at RISK. Also, Fraud vitiates everything. One of the most telling side effects of this covid-19 injection is covid-19. Leaked documents from provincial and municipal governments in China reveal a slew of previously unreported severe adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines made and administered in China. Support my work through a bank transfer / PayPal / credit card! Man-Cave, Home Office or Cabin There were 173 cases of hospitalization and ER visits that were separately examined by a dedicated expert committee. Further, Pfizer can make adjustments to the number of contracted doses and their delivery schedule, based on principles to be determined by Pfizer, and the country buying the vaccines must agree to any revision., It doesnt matter if the vaccines are delivered severely late, even at a point when theyre no longer needed, as its made clear that Under no circumstances will Pfizer be subject to or liable for any late delivery penalties. As you might suspect, the contract also forbids returns under any circumstances., The big secret: Pfizer charged U.S. More Than Other Countries. document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Children's Health Defense is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In 2016, the pope summoned the CEO of the Fortune Companies of the World in Vatican, among the familiar companies are The Rockefeller ( owner of Pfizer), the Johnson and Johnson, Facebook and many companies who are active in todays Pandemic. Adverse events, including severe allergic reactions, after COVID-19 vaccination are rare but can happen.For this reason, everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine is monitored by their vaccination provider for at least 15 minutes. Unlike what you may have read about the normal vaccine injury program (the National Vaccine Injury Program, which has paid out over 4 Billion dollars since it was instituted), this law puts the risk of any injury squarely on the back of the individual citizen, unless HHS reviews the specific incident and determines (without any appeal to the federal court system) that some compensation is justified. Het oude normaal komt nooit meer terug, ook al geloven velen dit, Dennennaalden thee is een effectieve oplossing tegen virussen, parasieten en spike protene besmetting. Gaat de zoektocht van de mens naar kennis, macht en een langere levensduur over, UPDATE 30-11-2021 Details over het leven in de Australische quarantainekampen beginnen via internet uit te lekken. Hoewel de informatie niet direct kan worden geverifieerd, werd, Turkish TV channel Beyaz was at a press conference showing photos of babies born horribly disfigured after their mothers were injected with the Covid vaccines, De zogenaamde pandemische babys zijn babys, die tijdens de pandemie zijn verwekt en die bovendien het product zijn van ouders, die zijn ingent met het, Een moeder die de COVID-vaccinatie niet vertrouwt, kreeg te horen dat ze een keizersnede nodig zou hebben Het ziekenhuis en de artsen stonden erop dat, Classified documents and White House memo reveal extermination plans for millions of people in America and worldwide through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. Still, Ehden noted, U.S. Pfizer has ensured that even if they get sued, the country (purchaser) will cover for all legal fees and compensation to be received by those who might be injured by the vaccine. The report explains that most affected individuals will have speech difficulties or will be unable to speak entirely. Bhd. So theres very minimal risk for the manufacturer involved there., Signs of COVID vaccine failure, adverse effects rise. Who signed these terms? Editors Note: Pfizer and its cohorts have already launched a smear campaign against Biber, with some fact-checkers claiming that the contracts are fake, there has been no evidence to prove this claim. My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the deadly COVID-19 vaccine. A leaked video reveals that in June, the researchers presented serious findings to the MOH, that indicated long-term effects, including some not listed by Pfizer, and a causal relationship so the Ministry published a manipulative report, and told the public that no new signal was found. More than 40 MB of data was stolen in the EMA cyberattack and released on the dark web, and leaked to several journalists, including from The BMJ and academics worldwide. However, Ron Johnson of Stranger than Fiction News, commented: This document is proprietary and confidential. Bescherming en behandeling bij transmissie of shedding: een welkome aanvulling op het spike-eiwit en grafeenoxide detox protocol. She has taught at various academic institutions in the United States and is fluent in Spanish. And in the event that a drug or other treatment comes out that can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19, the agreement stands, and the country must follow through with their order. Most affected individuals do not speak, or speak only a few words. They have created legal protection to ensure that this profit is materialized. Apparently, this includes in the case of receiving damaged goods. Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of COVID-19 Virus, Says U.S. Most affected individuals will have speech difficulties or will be unable to speak entirely. Since the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the vaccine also has been plagued by The eyes of much of the world were on it, and the FDA and other regulators have repeatedly cited its experience with the vaccine as a basis for policymaking, including for boosters and mandates and much else. It is unclear to us why a respected journal chose to present unverifiable information, in the process damaging an institution that has worked for 25 years in a transparent and successful manner. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministrys head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government, issued no public statement. Products cannot be returned for whatever reason. Im in charge of it. Even if the shipment is not delivered. Y.S). P.O. The claim that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine documents revealed that it had thousands of side effects was debunked in March 2022. For example, Prof. Retsef Levy from MIT, an expert in health systems and risk management, voiced serious criticism during a Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting on September 17 which focused on the approval of the booster dose, stating that the system is dysfunctional and that the safety of COVID-19 vaccines is not monitored properly. www.globalresearch.ca contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. However, the cyber attack on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) it referred to occurred more than a year ago in January 2021. But What Do We Really Know? It was a list of adverse events that must be reported for further investigation. The Pfizer document was publicly released on 17 November 2021, but it took antivaxxers more than 3 months to discover the list of 1,291 adverse events of special interest (AESI). All Rights Reserved. Some will experience difficulty swallowing, and more than half of them will have seizures. It did not mention that the adverse event reports came only from this small HMO. Died Suddenly Movie : More Vaccine Lies Exposed! In a July 19 report from the CDC, the agency also reported that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received 12,313 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine more than doubling from the 6,079 reports of death from the week before. Your email address will not be published. Although Israel began its COVID-19 vaccination campaign in 2020, it did not have an adverse effect reporting system until the end of 2021. Pfizer continues to sign lucrative secret vaccine deals across the globe. Examples of such events are difficult breathing, dj vu and myocardial infarction, as well as 1,223 events with a fatal outcome ( here ). Become Member of What is the purpose of such a contract ??? An email dated 23 November 2020 showed that a high-ranking EMA official complained that Pfizer was not producing its COVID-19 vaccines to the expected specifications. As is apparent in Pfizers confidential contract with Albania, the drug giant wants governments to guarantee the company will be compensated for any expenses resulting from injury lawsuits against it. The researchers can also be heard in the meeting asking to get a meeting or have the results conveyed to Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, Head of Public Health Services at the Ministry of Health. Its like a suicide drug that they force on everyone. Evidence-Based Truth About The COVID Scamdemic. A leaked document broken down by Twitter user Ehden reveals the shocking terms of Pfizers international COVID-19 vaccine agreements. Pfizers safety database contains cases of AEs reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities, cases published in the medical literature, Some of the correspondence has been manipulated by the perpetrators prior to publication in a way which could undermine trust in vaccines. The BMJ reviewed the leaked documents, and found that they showed that regulators at the EMA had concerns about the quality of some early commercial batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. It said there were very small numbers of reports compared to the very large number of vaccine doses, and it also noted that the reports did not necessarily indicate causality. Now it turns out that the reality is not what the narrative was promoting, Levi said. Recommended : Does Pfizer CEO aim to cut world population by 50%? !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src="https://rumble.com/embedJS/u827p"+(arguments[1].video?'. S EE ALSO THE 1st WRATH of God that the angels will pour out,( THE GRIEVOUS SORE) will this be the result of Vaccine producing the SEVERE INFLAMMATORY CONDITION in the body of the vaccinated people of the world? Why medical-legal? I have been meaning to write about this since Neil Oliver of GB Newscovered it, and I havetweetedabout itseveraltimes. While the world was distracted by Putins war with Ukraine, the FDA started releasing Pfizer documents. The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly two months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under five. Yaffa Shir-Raz, Ph.D., health communication and pharmaceutical companies public relations strategy researcher at Reichman University in Herzliya, Israel, translated the June meeting from Hebrew into English. Similar to the stock brokers cant be sued, but theire fraud dealt with by a kangaroo court held by them. A total of 62 cases of myocarditis have occurred so far in Israel around the time of the vaccination, 56 of them after the second dose. Over 60% indicate duration of over 3 months. CHD is planning many strategies, including legal, in an effort to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those already injured. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vtu1al","div":"rumble_vtu1al"}); Thank you for your interest in receiving the The Black Sphere newsletter. Svali zelf was een programmeur, voordat zij uit de sekte wist te ontsnappen en Christen werd. Did leaked data show that Pfizer knew that its COVID-19 vaccine would kill people who took it?! In their presentation, the researchers made the following points: When the official report came out, it compared the number of reports to the total number of vaccines given out since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. What more is he hiding from the general public? The problem is that the vaccine actually causes people to develop the disease. The Israeli MOH subsequently misrepresented the findings stating that no new adverse events were found, there was no new signal, and the events were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite. Has Russia Given Up on Resisting Domination by the West? May have temper tantrums, bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior.. 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