Racial segregation and white minority rule known officially as apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning "separateness", was implemented in 1948. [52], The South African Republic (Dutch: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek or ZAR, not to be confused with the much later Republic of South Africa), is often referred to as The Transvaal and sometimes as the Republic of Transvaal. [62], By the end of 1847, following annexation by Britain of the former Boer republic of Natalia, nearly all the Boers had left their former republic, which the British renamed Natal. This list of 100 African girl names includes their meanings, variations, and countries of origin. [224], Migrant labour remained a fundamental aspect of the South African mining industry, which employed half a million mostly black miners. [233] The Zondo Commission of Inquiry was appointed during the Presidency of Cyril Ramaphosa to investigate allegations of state capture related corruption. During the years immediately following the AngloBoer wars, Britain set about unifying the four colonies including the former Boer republics into a single self-governed country called the Union of South Africa. Kaya (Southern African origin), meaning "restful place," and is a Zulu name pronounced KAH-yah. [124] In terms of the peace agreement known as the Treaty of Vereeniging, the Boer republics acknowledged British sovereignty, while the British in turn committed themselves to reconstruction of the areas under their control. He eventually surrendered to a combined deputation of Boer and British forces on 2 December 1879. Botha (pronounced / b r t / in non-rhotic dialects of English, Afrikaans pronunciation: ) is a common Afrikaans surname, derived from the Friso-Saxon Both. [202] The Africanists broke away from the ANC to form the Pan-Africanist Congress and its military wing named Poqo, which became active mainly in the Cape provinces. Waterboer, fearing conflict with the Boer republic of Orange Free State, subsequently asked for and received British protection. Amani (Ethiopian origin) means "faith". [226], In 2014, around 47% of (mostly black) South Africans lived in poverty, making it one of the most unequal countries in the world. The Transvaal Boer republic was forcefully annexed by Britain in 1877, during Britain's attempt to consolidate the states of southern Africa under British rule. [180] The civil war in Angola resulted in 550,0001,250,000 deaths in total mostly from famine. The National Party championed Afrikaner interests, advocating separate development for the two white groups, and independence from Britain. Rosenthal, Eric. [172][173], South African security forces during the latter part of the apartheid era had a policy of destabilising neighbouring states, supporting opposition movements, conducting sabotage operations and attacking ANC bases and places of refuge for exiles in those states. In 1845, a treaty was signed between the British colonists and Moshoeshoe, which recognised white settlement in the area. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Da Gama's fleet proceeded northwards to Zanzibar and later sailed eastwards, eventually reaching India and opening the Cape Route between Europe and Asia. A strong relationship existed between the African National Congress (ANC) and the UDF, based on the shared mission statement of the Freedom Charter. An attack on a Christian church in Cape Town in 1993, left eleven people dead and 58 injured. Meaning: 'Child that keeps coming or reincarnation.' 5. [167] The attacks were then falsely attributed by the government to "black-on-black" or factional violence within the communities. Lerato Mannan: Mannan is a Hindu surname meaning 'king' in Tamil. Following in Dart's footsteps Robert Broom discovered a new much more robust hominid in 1938 Paranthropus robustus at Kromdraai, and in 1947 uncovered several more examples of Australopithecus africanus at Sterkfontein. [114] The decision was made to start importing Chinese indentured labourers who were prepared to work for far less wages than local African labourers. Mani is the reduced form of the South Indian surname Subramanian. 27. [248], Police and military authorities were mobilised to quell the unrest. Open hostilities ceased between the Orange Free State and the Basotho. Many African last names reference wealth and the aristocracy. Until that point, President Paul Kruger's government had excluded all foreigners from the franchise. [146] The anti-semitic Boerenasie (Boer Nation) and other similar groups soon joined them. The first KhoikhoiDutch War broke out in 1659, the second in 1673, and the third 16741677. Eventually, in the 1830s, large numbers of Boers migrated in what came to be known as the Great Trek. These are collectively known as the Khoisan, a modern European portmanteau of these two tribes' names. English and Dutch became the two official languages in 1925.[129][130]. Dingaan also attempted to establish relations with the British traders on the Natal coast, but events had started to unfold that would see the demise of Zulu independence. To Moshoeshoe the BaSotho chieftain from Lesotho, it was customary tribute in the form of horses and cattle represented acceptance of land use under his authority. The apartheid-era South African military and political intelligence services, for their part, worked closely with American, British and West German secret services throughout the Cold War. Meaning: 'Flower' or 'blossom.' 4. Chidubem - This name is Igbo for "God is my guide." Igwe - Many Igbo people in South Africa have this last name. It has been estimated that the total number of British and colonial troops deployed in South Africa during the war outnumbered the population of the two Boer Republics by more than 150,000. [citation needed] Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your South African ancestors, such as occupation. For nearly 100 years subsequently, the Xhosa fought the settlers sporadically, first the Boers or Afrikaners and later the British. The name is derived from the dutch word Prins (meaning prince), and a loo suffix meaning clearing in the forest. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. The Bantu expansion was one of the major demographic movements in human prehistory, sweeping much of the African continent during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. [217], The immediate post-apartheid period was marked by an exodus of skilled, white South Africans amid crime related safety concerns. He then set out on a massive programme of expansion, killing or enslaving those who resisted in the territories he conquered. Thousands more served in the British Army directly, with over 3,000 joining the British Royal Flying Corps and over 100 volunteering for the Royal Navy. [135], Black and mixed-race South Africans who had supported the war were embittered when post-war South Africa saw no easing of white domination and racial segregation.[136]. From the 1830s onwards, numbers of white settlers from the Cape Colony crossed the Orange River and started arriving in the fertile southern part of territory known as the Lower Caledon Valley, which was occupied by Basotho cattle herders under the authority of the Basotho founding monarch Moshoeshoe I. [206], A non-racial United Democratic Front (UDF) coalition of about 400 civic, church, student, trade union and other organisations emerged in 1983. After 1806, a number of Dutch-speaking inhabitants of the Cape Colony trekked inland, first in small groups. The Dutch East India Company (in the Dutch of the day: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, or VOC) decided to establish a permanent settlement at the Cape in 1652. Finding and extracting the deposits far below the ground called for the capital and engineering skills that would soon result in the deep-level mines of the Witwatersrand producing a quarter of the world's gold, with the "instant city" of Johannesburg arising astride the main Witwatersrand gold reef. [144] He returned in 1923, and continued working in the Union of South Africa as a German Spy for the Third Reich. Blignaut, Charl. Some groups, ancestral to today's Nguni peoples (the Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi, and Ndebele), preferred to live near the eastern coast of what is present-day South Africa. Many of the Natalia Boers who refused to acknowledge British rule trekked over the Drakensberg mountains to settle in the Orange Free State and Transvaal republics.[58]. [87] Faced with starvation, Moshoeshoe signed a peace treaty on 15 October 1858, though crucial boundary issues remained unresolved. [28] The VOC also brought some 71,000 slaves to Cape Town from India, Indonesia, East Africa, Mauritius, and Madagascar.[29]. [102], In 1888, British mining magnate Cecil John Rhodes co-founded De Beers Consolidated Mines at Kimberley, after buying up and amalgamating the individual claims with finance provided by the Rothschild dynasty. These refugees and asylum seekers originated mainly from Zimbabwe, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. It replaced the flag that had been used since 1928, and was chosen to represent multiculturalism and ethnic diversity in the country's new, post-apartheid democratic society. The Zulu resulted in the mass movement of many tribes who in turn tried to dominate those in new territories, leading to widespread warfare and waves of displacement spread throughout southern Africa and beyond. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. [53] The republic, under the premiership of Paul Kruger, defeated British forces in the First Boer War and remained independent until the end of the Second Boer War on 31 May 1902, when it was forced to surrender to the British. [235] Other corruption related scandals to emerge during this period included the collapse of VBS Mutual Bank[236] and Bosasa. [94] Cape Colony Governor Henry Barkly persuaded all claimants to submit themselves to a decision of an arbitrator and so Robert W Keate, Lieutenant-Governor of Natal was asked to arbitrate. [citation needed], The TRC, at the conclusion of its mandate in 2004, handed over a list of 300 names of alleged perpetrators to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for investigation and prosecution by the NPA's Priority Crimes Litigation Unit. The prehistory and history of South Africa span nearly the entire known existence of human beings and their ancestorssome three million years or moreand include the wandering of small bands of hominins through the savanna, the inception of herding and farming as ways of life, and the construction of large urban centres. It has been described as one of the most important paleontological discoveries in modern times. Abebe - Origin: Ethiopian. The role of the Boer settlers was replaced by subsidised British immigrants of whom 5,000 arrived between 1849 and 1851. [100] Revenue accruing to the Cape Colony from the Kimberley diamond diggings enabled the Cape Colony to be granted responsible government status in 1872, since it was no longer dependent on the British Treasury and hence allowing it to be fully self-governing in similar fashion to the federation of Canada, New Zealand and some of the Australian states. Sorry, we couldn't find geographic distribution information for South African. [74], Although no formally surveyed boundaries existed, Griqua leader Nicolaas Waterboer claimed the diamond fields were situated on land belonging to the Griquas. Sotho-speakers know this period as the difaqane ("forced migration"); Zulu-speakers call it the mfecane ("crushing"). [187][188] The Angolan army, in resisting what it perceived as a South African invasion, was supported by a combination of Cuban forces and PLAN and ANC guerrillas, all armed with weapons supplied by the Soviet Union. Likewise the Indian element (led by Mahatma Gandhi) generally supported the war effort. The independent Boer republic of Orange Free State evolved from colonial Britain's Orange River Sovereignty, enforced by the presence of British troops, which lasted from 1848 to 1854 in the territory between the Orange and Vaal rivers, named Transorange. [26] Many Portuguese words are still found along the coast of South Africa including Saldanha, Algoa, Natal, Agulhas, Benguela and Lucia. Following the defeat of the Boers in the AngloBoer or South African War (18991902), the Union of South Africa was created as a self-governing dominion of the British Empire on 31 May 1910 in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Colony of Natal, Transvaal Colony, and Orange River Colony. [24] Others, now known as the SothoTswana peoples (Tswana, Pedi, and Sotho), settled in the interior on the plateau known as the Highveld,[24] while today's Venda, Lemba, and Tsonga peoples made their homes in the north-eastern areas of present-day South Africa. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. In 1818 differences between two Xhosa leaders, Ndlambe and Ngqika, ended in Ngqika's defeat, but the British continued to recognise Ngqika as the paramount chief. Paul Kruger, one of the leaders of the uprising, became President of the ZAR in 1883. He appealed to the British for help against Ndlambe, who retaliated in 1819 during the Fifth Frontier War by attacking the British colonial town of Grahamstown. A key act of legislation during this time was the Homeland Citizens Act of 1970. Modern human settlement occurred around 125,000 years ago in the Middle Stone Age, as shown by archaeological discoveries at Klasies River Caves. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. APLA denied the attacks were racist in character, claiming that the attacks were directed against the apartheid government as all whites, according to the PAC, were complicit in the policy of apartheid. South African surnames. 29. 28. [23] The advancing Bantu encroached on the Khoikhoi territory, forcing the original inhabitants of the region to move to more arid areas. [109] In 1895 there was an investment boom in Witwatersrand gold-mining shares. Thabani m Southern African, Zulu, Ndebele. Afrikaners were split, with some like Botha and Smuts taking a prominent leadership role in the British war effort. [32] In 1805, the British inherited the Cape as a prize during the Napoleonic Wars,[24] again seizing the Cape from the French controlled Kingdom of Holland which had replaced the Batavian Republic.[33]. In September 1854, 28 Boers accused of cattle rustling were killed in three separate incidents by an alliance of the Ndebele chiefdoms of Mokopane and Mankopane. The trade union movement was divided. The British elements strongly supported the war, and formed by far the largest military component. Barend-van Haeften, Marijke; Paasman, Bert: Delmas, Adrien, 'The Role of Writing in the First Steps of the Colony: A Short Enquiry in the Journal of Jan van Riebeeck, 16521662', in. South Africa had the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS compared to any other country in the world, with 5,600,000 people afflicted by the disease and 270,000 HIV-related deaths were recorded in 2011. In 1896, the German Kaiser Kaiser Wilhelm had enraged Britain by sending congratulations to Boer republican leader Paul Kruger after Kruger's commandos captured a column of British South Africa Company soldiers engaged in an armed incursion and abortive insurrection, known historically as the Jameson Raid, into Boer territory. Lwando Southern African. South African Broadcasting Corporation and South African History Archive, Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 09:53, Learn how and when to remove this template message, migrated from the western region of central Africa, Maritime history of the Dutch East India Company, Military history of the Dutch East India Company, Flag of the Republic of the Orange Free State, Military history of South Africa during World War I, Military history of South Africa during World War II, South African Institute of Race Relations, Timeline of liberal parties in South Africa, "Portuguese & Dutch Exploration of South Africa", "Dutch East India Company (DEIC)/VOC | South African History Online", "mtDNA variation in the South African Kung and Khwe, and their genetic relationships to other African populations", "History of click-speaking populations of Africa inferred from mtDNA and Y chromosome genetic variation", "The archaeology of indigenous herders in the Western Cape of South Africa", "Genetic and Demographic Implications of the Bantu Expansion: Insights from Human Paternal Lineages", "The archaeological evidence for the appearance of pastoralism and farming in southern Africa", "The Untold Stories of Slavery at Cape Town's Iziko Slave Lodge", "South Africa - British occupation of the Cape | Britannica", https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/batavian-republic-1803-1806, "A Tempest In A Teapot? Much later, in 1820 the British authorities persuaded about 5,000 middle-class British immigrants (most of them "in trade") to leave Great Britain. The Cape Colony was unusual in southern Africa in that its laws prohibited any discrimination on the basis of race and, unlike the Boer republics, elections were held according to the non-racial Cape Qualified Franchise system, whereby suffrage qualifications applied universally, regardless of race. [8] The first human habitation is associated with a DNA group originating in a northwestern area of southern Africa and still prevalent in the indigenous Khoisan (Khoi and San). [45] Shaka built large armies, breaking from clan tradition by placing the armies under the control of his own officers rather than of hereditary chiefs. "B&J": Jacob Bercovitch and Richard Jackson. [63], By 1860, with slavery having been abolished in 1834, and after the annexation of Natal as a British colony in 1843, the British colonists in Natal (now kwaZulu-Natal) turned to India to resolve a labour shortage, as men of the local Zulu warrior nation were refusing to work on the plantations and farms established by the colonists. The convention came into force on 18 July 1976. Freeman can also be an African American or Jewish name. The convention declared that apartheid was both unlawful and criminal because it violated the Charter of the United Nations. Cecil Rhodes and Charles Rudd followed, with their Gold Fields of South Africa company. Concentration camp superintendents did not always record the deaths of black inmates in the camps.[123]. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your South African ancestors lived in harsh conditions. The Jewish population of South Africa in 1880 numbered approximately 4,000; by 1914 it had grown to more than 40,000, mostly migrants from Lithuania. This caused further dissatisfaction among the Dutch settlers. This name was adopted in the 17th century by Wesselius Praetorius as a Latin translation of his previous surname Schulte. [128], In 1924 the Afrikaner-dominated National Party came to power in a coalition government with the Labour Party. It is the tenth most common family name in the Republic of South Africa. With a population of roughly 6 million, between 19141918, over 250,000 South Africans of all races voluntarily served their country. Meaning: Spirit. Most Common South African Surnames & Meanings Most Common Last Names In South Africa Forebears knows about 821,426 unique surnames in South Africa and there are 66 people per name. The Cape nonetheless remained nominally part of the British Empire, even though it was self-governing in practice. 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