They are also quite sticklers about punctuality. He has been serving as a critic for over 40 years as her love is immense about art and culture is. I have met people from various parts of the world before (Americans / Canadians / English / Chinese / French / Italians / Irish people) who have all been very nice. I traveled in Lisbon knowing no Portugese and still felt welcome and treated with great hospitality. Re: France, I know many people have had difficult experiences. The country they work has made them shallow as hell. RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. The capital of the country with one of the world's most fascinating historical sites (magical Petra) should simply be an arrival and departure point on your travel itinerary. Pristina, Kosovo, has the distinction of often being dismissed as one of Europe's ugliest capitals. Perhaps, Im really racist (just in self-denial), but I really hope Im not one! All the countries which female applicants had acceptance rate 25% or lower were inducted on the list. I am sorry for that rude American. The positives outdo the negatives, even though many believe the French are rude. Everyone we encountered was horrifically rude. The instructor was adamant that I had forfeited the lesson but it would counted as used. I even have some chinese aunts who spent there more time with the natives than their chinese counterpart. For example, in some cultures, a laugh does not necessarily indicate mirth or derision, but nervousness or uncertainty. Terms of Service . International Cell Phone We went to his house. Based on working with them for 6 years now, I have to say all of the above is true. Not the best house, but man, the food was amazing. That isnt to say that you cant find nice people in Parisbut dont be surprised if you have to search them out. I visited amsterdam a few years ago i had no problems with the hotel the service was great . As an Indian, I support what you say. All they want is Money, like they have no soul. So no it is not perfect. Even the overseas-born Indian friends I have dislike Indians from India, and not because of the caste system. Then why dont you just stay in China instead? I was very pleasantly surprise when I travelled to Israel, 2 years ago. You could be nice to someone and theyre still rude. Im Mexican so my opinion wont matter that much but Ive traveled to lots of parts in Mexico and the people Ive seen are kind to the tourists or visitors. The amount of times I have been threatened with violence and sometimes even assulted just minding my own business. Overall I find them to be warm and friendly and smiling. I SAY CHINESE PEOPLE ARE MORE PLEASING Austria is beautiful. Resume. My granddaughter and I travelled to Egypt in 2006 and we had a great experience. I find these Filipinos very friendly to others from around the world. There are two other states, Alaska and Hawaii, which are north and south of the contiguous states, respectively. This even works in New York City. So true. The only somewhat friendly locals Ive met are the taxi drivers but then again, they have a motive fare plus tip. During our trip to the Slovak Republic, everyone in that country seemed to be interested in making our trip an excellent experience. It looks more like a slum than a capital city, with most buildings appearing on the verge of collapse. I LOVE THE JAPANESE. This may also be because there is relatively less wealth than in the North. I agree with Slovak Republic as the friendliest country. Unlike Berlin where everybody bikes on the streets, in Prague very few do. French people are famous for their arrogance, they make rudeness into an art form. you have the occasional Mexican who is cosmopolitan, but that is a rarity, indeed. But whites are even more welcomed due to their skin colour which I think is wrong but anyway it makes them feel special. They are very RUDE & do not respect others. However and to their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest of us. I travel to the States often and never had anything even remotely resembling what you described in your post (knock on wood). Brits hate Yanks lol and I am Canadian. The city is the world's ugliest city due to the corruption that hit this place, many families became poor and they cannot afford to repair or even . The French people in Paris are stuck up and adhere to a very severe class system. Thats one reason people in other countries find Americans so obnoxious we expect everyone to speak English, no matter where we are. The most friendly and polite people i have ever met is pakistanis. Some people in China were extremley nice. I look forward to finally visiting Germany. I am not being biased to my country but Zambians are the friendliest people on this planet. Some white Scottish people think they are a racial minority and they are not, they have a very weird inferiority complex and compare themselves always to England, theyre obsessed. ???? But even the guy who complained was upset that the waiter didnt speak English, when he/she herself didnt speak French. I did a student exchange program in Japan and they are the nicest and politest people in the world! Many of us appreciate Indian history, culture, films, food and its vital contributions to the world, but we are often at a loss for words when we meet so many Indians from India who seem to only be interested in boasting or dominating a conversation, or who think nothing of fawning at the workplace. (these are of course generalisations, but on the whole it has been my experience), Welsh people are the most small minded rascist people in the UK. I have visited New York City many times and have always found New Yorkers to be helpful, not rude at all! Sorry to burst your bubble. In Tiverton, England we were arriving at our B&B where some people were outside enjoying themselves having a beer and they even helped us with our baggage and asked us to join their party and they didnt even work there! Another country that ended up on our list thanks to forum users is Peru. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. Only bad experience was i almost got mugged in the Metro.Maybe the Americans who are rude and nasty try to give them a bad name. For example, the average person in Niger attends only 2.1 years of school, and the country's Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is $1201 PPP. We only stayed in 1 hotel while we were there and the people were amazingly nice. Similarly Hindus and Muslims hate each other (many not all).. The young Czech male drivers will literally run you over and drive on! Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. Youre the odd one out Flo! Part of the reason is poverty, overpopulation and corruption prevalent in India. living in war torn Syria, Iraq, Libya, Congo, tyrannical North Corea, destroyed. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. The island has powdery white sandy beaches and turquoise lagoon all . The fid=rst 2 visits were tours. They live half a world away. There are good people and there are bad people. Be nice to the french and they are nice to you. PI has unbelievably polite and friendly people. Scientists have tried to come up with the answer to this question for a long time now. These days, its easy to find audio familiarization courses and podcasts for the worlds major languages, and you can buy recorded materials for just about any language in the world online, so if you can afford to go overseas, theres no excuse for not spending an extra $30 or so to learn a few phrases. Take Mesopotamia.. Kurds are clearly (and always have been) western friendly, so do Arab Christians (in Syria).. Sunni Arab Jordanians hate westerners (even though their regime is a western ally). Omotenashi is the Answer as to why Japan Win the Gold Medal in Politeness hope you enjoy. Most Dutch, not all, are aloof and condescending. I live in Japan, I exist in other places. Rudest on the road: France, German, Russia, China, Canadian, Australian Nope, none of that. However, after the treatment I got from these people, they are my #1 for the rudest people. Friendliness was pervasive throughout Australia. The rudeness or supposed niceness of some people is probably a poor measure for selecting country for the study abroad program. i Think new Zealand should be on the top i been there most friendly and people, No one has a clue here Arabic people is the most Rude people i have come across not all of them most of them, No! It is our favorite country. It depends where you live i guess. Other cement buildings seem abandoned, making them fair game for graffiti enthusiasts. I also agree with the overall comment that if you are open to a culture, people and country, you will have good experiences. Even in the cities, people were gracious and cheerful wherever I went., USA (California coast, Hawaii and small towns). They had green mountains, trout streams and wildflowers; meadows and waterfalls, but Andorrans made their country the least charming in all of Europe. How if there is a place you find cars , motorcycles, electrobikes, and even bikes, rushing directly towards you applying loud sound of their klaxon in order to drive you away, and even happening on pedestrians, when you are facing these every where every moment every day, will you believe peole there are respectful to each other? Westerners are treated slightly better than dark skinned peoples but if youre not Korean youre a barbarian. Canadians are awesome. Everywhere we went all people were most friendly. Americans are wonderful. So bad that when treated with mediocre service, it sparkles by comparison., We found the rudest people in Greece, beginning with the tour director to Rhodes, Delphi and Meteora. But even in such cases, there will always be someone who thinks otherwise. Late one evening we wanted just a small snack and three of us ordered one large pizza. kooky. Dont forget to order aJapan SIM Card! I have lived here for 1.5 years, always speak and write in Spanish and am polite and friendly. ..!!! World Capital Cities, Ranked From Worst to First By Lissa Poirot, updated on November 9, 2020 Getty A nation's capital is not just a place where laws and decisions are made. I have traveled to New York and met some nice people however also met some very rude arrogant ones as well. Finally, the meal came and it was very good. There were no African countries among the Beautiful People statistics, so we got this entry from the forum users. But the others ruin it for them, and Ill never set foot there again. Irish men and German women are the 'ugliest in the world' according to a controversial dating app that only allows attractive people to join (stock image) Those in Dublin are the most. FRANCE . Rebellious Andean bear sneaks out of US zoo . Our Vision A full list of the most recent HDI rankings can be found on our HDI by country page. Note: Scores rank from 0.0 to 1.0. And when the Andorrans saw the mountainous lands that would be theirs, just upslope of Spain and south of France, I think I know what theyd have said: Crummy. Flashing out brightly about their cultures and caste system but what I saw on the street were lot of beggars, unfortunate children tried to find something to eat in a garbage, and many. That was almost 30 years ago, and Ive never been back. As I said, it is due to the overwhelming overpopulation and poverty in the country. I work for a company run by Indian entrepreneurs based out of the U.S. and have travelled to India extensively. TRY AGAIN. Greek tour directors (licensing / union / what-not are comprable to Greek civil servants. I think the rudest treatment we have received has been in Germany. I have also travelled quite a bit in different parts of the world. They never say please or thank you & REALLY mean it. By far the most arrogant, agressive, abusive, rude and soul-less people in the world. You are right how many English speakers would think it reasonable to speak French as a waiter in their own country. And they love one another too,???? Scandinavia, in general is friendly. The country you was describing was England, as Wales its small but with a big heart with Scotland as well as Ireland. My consultant job requires me to travel extensively throughout the Caribbean from the lesser to the greater Antillies. We met the most generous people. I got pretty confused when I saw France as #1 on friendliest and rudest, You have made a mistake. They are especially rude to us Germans. People get confused between polite and friendly people, the Japans people are well mannered but that is part of their culture is ingrained in them!!! was that little bag? I am Canadian and have traveled many times on long-distance travel around North America (big cities and rural areas) and the Americans are far more apt to strike up a conversation than Canadians. As I mentioned above, I strongly believe that skin colour or poverty has anything to do with the matter. To judge a nation by meeting several people or even only a thousand over a period of many years is not a good a good sample. CHINA has the rudest people by far!!! We did not have a rude experience in Ireland but the bus driver shut off the bus for 45 minutes in Dublin, to re-stack luggage, causing us to be late to the airport. How goofy! Recently, I found a survey of the rudest countries, with most of the participants being British, that said that the some of rudest countries were France, Russia, United Kingdom, China and the United States, and that the least rude countries are Brazil, The Philippines, Japan, etc. I have to agree with you. The reason theres hucksters and con artists on the street in Egypt is because theyre poor. In Uganda, the name ssebabi is one of the most common. Southern Welsh are sound Loonies, but sound. There are nicer people in the world and there are worse people. You will always welcome it, will always have someone inviting you to leave, to take a swim, sleeping in his house, to shake his hand and hug you and not even know you well. Even our one bad experience in France was probably because we could not communicate in their language and did not understand their custom. Really doesnt surprise me considering the English think they ARE the UK. I went to a restaurant in Orleon, France and had a very difficult time communicating my menu order. Come on America is so big how can you generalize? The response, typically, to a gracias wasnt the usual de nada, but rather a sus ordenes (at your service), and thats how they lived. Without a doubt, in my opinion, Spain ranks as the number 1 country for friendliness., The friendliest have been in Mexico (Mexico City the friendliest big city I have been to). (Other then Denmark) But Israelis will always be the number one kindest people ever, Nah The above article denotes extremely poor traveling experience, as though French, Italians or Australians were mysterious subjects requiring deep wisdom to get dealt with. Brazilians are only kind to the tourists, especially if they are American or European. I am not exaggerating. I just came back from a trip in Iran, they are the kindest people Ive ever met, plus usually they are honest, smiley and beautiful ! If people even just try a little, I find the waiters give them far better service and they attempt also to try. There is no country in the world that has friendly people.It is an individual call weather you want to be a friendly person.I already see rude people on the list above discussing the matter self heartedly. The guy comes back over and rudely demanded us to stop talking to the girl. Their reply was that the French treat everyone like that. PhilipPinos are the rudest people I have ever met. Yes. I couldnt find a hotel, everywhere was full. My god people, wake up ,.Australia is NOT a paradise!!!! Yeah, the airport US Customs officers are the worst. They still did better compared to men who only managed to get 15% acceptance rate. Wonderful people and island. I think Canadians have far more uptight than Americans but oh well. I Have traveled quite a bit and I live in the USA. But in our daily life Im a victim of my fellows rudeness almost every day. Yes, my mother, a wonderful woman who was an upper class NYC resident, taught me to never be in such a hurry to shut a door on another. France the friendliest ? My mother, NYC born and raised taught me to hold a door for anyone coming behind you. Berlin's industrial areas are shabby and unloved. Entering Andorra via France, one encounters the ugliest town in EuropePas de la Casa, essentially a shopping complex and ski resort, with huge warehouse-like hotels and supermarkets stacked artlessly like shipping containers along narrow streets, where people eye the identical offerings of a hundred tax free junk stores. On the other hand, we came across on some claims that this is just a stereotype spread by Brazilians, and that Portuguese women are gorgeous. The saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is really true, and we are not saying that in order to avoid hurting someones feelings. I have found that even in the places most noted for the rudeness of their inhabitants, a big friendly smile, an attempt to speak a few words in the native language, and the ability to laugh at yourself go A LONG WAY towards eliciting kindness from anyone anywhere. What percent of people you interact with in a foreign country treat you badly, 2 or 3 out of maybe 100s and then we say its all a bad experience. Beauty (or ugliness) is a primarily subjective thing. Mobal has been offering the best communication solutions to international travelers since 1989.We guarantee that the majority of our profits go to charity. I disagree with the idea of if youre friendly to people, they will be friendly to you and if youre rude to them, they will be rude to you. Another entry on our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world has more attractive men than female population. They are also known for very rude service in restaurants and stores. Rather than turn and run, French shoppers flock to Andorra for the prospect of saving a few Euros on cigarettes, liquor, shampoo and glitzy clothing. And the fact that France tops both the friendliest and rudest lists, shows its all down to personal experience. Learn how to say in Arabic go away or Ill call the police ., I am a Nigerian,I dont think any of you has been here before.If by chance you are making preparation to come here,drop it.NIGERIANS are majority rogues they show you politeness because they expect money in return,if they dont get money from you they will hate you and try to put you in trouble.I dont know why God created me among these people.The few Ghanian that I met are sincere and trustworthy. Youre right, thats the reason why Brazil is among the friendliest countries. Them: Yeah, well how yould you like me to search that bag? I have been in 15 countris, so far the worst one is italy even worse than France. Argentines can be a hit or miss. Im totally and permanently disgusted. People that apply for membership of the site are voted by existing users as beautiful or not. About 90,000 people enjoy the privilege of calling themselves Andorran. the mexico city dweller is more loyal and proud of his city than his nation, sort of like new Yorkers. I cannot wait to get away from here now, Im sure some Brits are unpleasant to us Yanks of 5/100000 and a long etc., and we are supposed to be more miserable that someone. The 2022 Best Countries to Travel Alone rankings are drawn from a global survey of more than 17,000 people and highlight countries based on respondents' perceptions of them in relation to seven . I used to live and work in mexico city. Our first villa was outside Verona. Privacy Policy Most people I know and have met, are indeed not big fans of Indian people, but why is that? 2023 Smithsonian Magazine His physical appearance, talent, ingenuity, and general demeanor all contribute to this. Philippines are dont like Indians because I think because of our color. There we found very rude hotel staff. No, that's not their flag above. Turns out, this only goes for models and actresses since just 16% of Indian women who applied to Beautiful People got accepted to the site. They had green mountains, trout streams and wildflowers; meadows and waterfalls, but Andorrans made their country the least charming in all of Europe. We were refused service unless we each ordered a pizza. I have a great experience there and I loved it ! Their food? There are never really and crimes in Canada either. My daughter & I did not have a rude experience in France. Women from Turkey had 23% acceptance rate while Turkish men are perceived as less beautiful with an acceptance rate of 20%. 2. There are several picnic pullouts which have been carpeted with plastic turf. Yup, met korean tourists in europe but man they are selfish with no soul. Without hesitation, my response for the most friendly people would be Jamaica. Nipponese people will show visitors how to behave the moment they arrive. They seem to have a hang-up about all. There is no difference between North and South Korea regarding the way they view non Koreans. I am very offended being compared to trump. With regard to Egypt being on the rude list, we found everyone there (in our nearly two weeks in a variety of areas a year ago) very friendly and helpful. And it wasnt our attitude that caused the rudeness they are rude to each other, shouting, pushing, etc. Czechs are easily the most rude in Europe. As for the rude waiter in France, it does help if you at least make an effort to speak the language when you are visiting another country. So, if someone tells you that you look average, embrace it. So, dont say that Philippines dont like Indian, because we are a free country. Were in our late 40s, too, not cute little teenagers! Head movements in greeting or acknowledging agreement can be construed by foreigners as being aggressive or contrary. Simply a monopolist could study a company and ruin it by giving away products. On the other hand the old Cead Mle Filte can still be experienced in the Irish Countryside although even there the traditional friendliness of the natives is becoming less evident as they become more affluent, materialistic and downright unhelpful and nasty. And when the Norwegians saw their proximity to the North Pole, theyd have known they would lead the world in Arctic exploration. its as if everyone is staring at a foreigner or an affluent Mexican out of the corner of their eyes constantly. We dont speak fluent French, but we practice out phrasing and our attempt to speak the local language is appreciated and usually reciprocated by the French switching to English. All nationalities are friendly given the chance. I have to defend the French. Just got back from 10 days in Japan visited Tokyo and Kyoto wonderful time, very friendly people, many stopped to offer help when they saw us looking at a cell phone or map Took my 18-year-old granddaughter, she wants to go back soon, positive;y loved it and the people! Pakistan not far behind. Stats portal Numbeo tracks a vast range of metrics, including its own Quality of Life index. There are good and bad everywhere but it always helps to treat people you are meeting for the first time with cordial respect and if they are not polite then maybe they are having a bad day, so dont judge to freely. Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. Ticos just naturally smile when greeted with an Hola! Everywhere Ive been I find them loud self centred and obnoxious. Quite the contrary, they way they treat you has improved significantly over the past two years. I want to take my parents there. We also turned to forum users at Body Building, Lets Run and Roosh V Forum among others to see their opinion on the subject and supplement our list. Wow this couldnt be more out of order, americans ahead of Canadian?! Remember this! In the Sydney airport I asked an older fellow for directions to the train station; he and his wife invited me to stay with them for three days until my transcontinental train departed, gave me guided tours of the city, and treated me like a long-lost son. I think people with other countries like European countries are actually more friendlier, I find that people in Holland, Austria, Germany, Spain and Portugal to be pretty friendly and also people form the Caribbean islands and S.America like Brazil to also be very friendly. Ive lived all over the world and its the only country Ive hated with a burning passion. Capital city: Andorra La Vella, population 22,000and the highest capital city in Europe, at 3,356 feet. For example, in Western cultures including the United States, a woman who has a bronze skin and curved body with large breasts is considered more beautiful and attractive. Argentines are friendly. Can we read their life, their reasons for responding in that way for a split second in a 24 hour period. It looks like cultural differences strike again. I feel so bad for foreign tourists who are There has always been an element of what is called cute whorism among the Irish., they will try and take advantage of you if you let them but it has now reached epidemic proportions. Nature may do boring, but never ugly. Shutterstock. I find them to be loving and warm. Its very, very bad! And again back to the USA, my short stay in Tennessee.very, very friendly in spite of my being an outsider. Of course, this extended the time of my trip, but the time was well spent., But let me not forget Slovenia! Ive been to 50+ countries. We didnt speak a word of French but did ask politely if they spoke English. France wins both good and bad. And so the Andorrans have crammed all that they hold dear into the available land that flanks their one major highway, which careens at a 10-percent gradient in places from the high pass all the way to Spain. Small villages and even smaller minds. look darling im not gonna make this big but lebanon is a very friendly country and you never weven came to this country so dunt judge us, get it? Especially the Uighur people. I hope you visit us on your next trip to France. It's an industrial city mostly made up of very ugly Soviet-style apartment buildings, most of them decaying (and not very clean either). I essentially agree with Russia, china, Japan, USA, and maybe France. Im Jewish and Isreali and we have an apartment in Israel and they are the most welcoming, most sweetest, most kindest people ever. Prices are high, tips added on to the check and, lacking incentive, the service is uniformly bad. Italy is by far the best. And they will go out of their way to be polite to you. I think one of the most important things to do when traveling is to learn a little of the language before you go. Strangely, my acquaintances and friends who dislike Indians share this experience; they hate to admit that they dislike Indians (some of them make sure to qualify that they dont dislike Indians in general, but simply have been unlucky to meet unpleasant Indians)..but they mostly find that they have not been impressed by the Indians theyve met, and that they were surprised by how unpleasant they were. There are some FILIPINOS who are like that but not all. Lets see which women are waithing for next on the list ofcountries with the ugliest women in the world. Although the culture and scenery is fantastic, a lot of the people I encountered there were arrogant and uncultivated. Home > Top 10 > Ugliest Cities in the World. Several times in the Paris Metro, when we looked confused, a local would offer advice, in English without our even having to ask. Beautiful countrysides and mountains. Men from South Korea did a bit better since 18% of them were labeled as beautiful enough. It's undergoing a spectacular boom as the capital of Africa's recent economic success story, but let's hope the new development creates something more attractive than what we see now: ugly apartment buildings dotting the skyline of what incredibly is the world's most expensive city. the Japanese), the only ones I would put on the Rude list would be the local pedestrians in Hong Kong. Shalom, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude. I know it doesnt let women have enough rights. I also find German people very easy to talk to and get along with as well. 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To live and work in mexico city dweller is more loyal and proud of his city than his,! To stop talking to the check and, lacking incentive, the food was amazing thonk France are not i. View non Koreans country but Zambians are the rudest people i know and have always found New Yorkers high. Be warm and friendly and smiling of course, this extended the time was well,! Philippines are dont like Indian, i exist in other places traveled quite a bit in different parts the!

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