And shes a mother. Anyway thanks again, Right. It wasnt until much later that he found out he had misspelled it. I was so pissed and confused - and pissed because I was pissed and confused that Im sure the first 24 hours were distorted. Female Pranksters included'Gretchen Fetchin' and 'Stark Naked'; their male equivalents included 'Mal Function' and 'Hardly Visible'; Kesey was 'Swashbuckler' and Lehmann-Haupt 'Dis-mount' on account of his habit of getting off the bus every time it stopped.". I was the one seeking custody of Cathy, so the receptionist told Sandy to wait in the lobby while I was taken to see the head nurse (Kesey: head nurse? In 1964, she, her daughter and Hankin moved to an apartment on Grant Avenue in San Francisco. Original Flower Child from the Ken Kesey Magic Bus, aka Stark Naked, Kathy Casano. My son James, aged two, was sitting in the yard in his diapers when the bus stopped and a naked lady ran out and grabbed him. from Spit in the Ocean #7, "The tremors struck Houston on a fine spring morning in 1964, when Ken called and said they were coming to see me; little did I know that the breeze of the future was about to blow through my quiet street. In Texas, she became further disillusioned and missed her daughter deeply. I never got a solid count of Pranksters on that visit, but there were enough of them to cover most of the floor space in my small house. Whats wrong with her? So, I said, She said no. Therefore his guilt drove him to try to at least help Alicia in some way, to make something right out of all the wrongs. Like Like. To that point virtually every moment of the trip had been filmed, but there was Stark, wearing not a stitch, and the Pranksters were not camera-ready. She came out of it a bit when she saw Katy, but it took a while. She came right up to the face hole and whispered, Get me out of here. She was completed exhausted. AUGUST 15 London - The Academy, Brixton. We were Undesirable. She has no I.D., no shoes, and she bit the arresting officer. Pam goes on maternity leave in season 8. With an amphetamine-fuelled Neal Cassady at the wheel, the Pranksters set off for New York, leaving a trail of colourful chaos in their wake. editing by Cynthia Franco, There is a lot of misinformation out there these days, and it's abetted by the ease of dissemination on the Web. So, if Cathy was on acid and the Texas Police tried to hassle her in any way, I could see her putting up quite a battle. To make this story, Wolf abandons facts and history. The lawyer confirmed that the City of Houston had a legal right to do everything theyd done so far and/or had threatened to do. They didnt have anyone by the name of Casamo, Cathy. No one by that description, either. "Dressed in combinations of fluorescent orange and green, the Pranksters acquired new names as their personalities developed. This is great and helps put more of the color in the ongoing portraitI can see her and Holden in your taleCathy/Katrina was the quintessential Free SpiritI checked your website and noticed what an amazing amount of great work you've doneimpressiveI didn't see any references to your early drug use and was wondering how you feel about that being up on the net?I can soft edit it but it is a part of who she wasthe Cosmic Angel of mercy. three days. What happened between then and now? Were going there tomorrow and picking her up. Shading oaks. Nor the next. When Albert Hoffman and Aldous Huxley spoke of being transfixed and thinking they died or were out of their bodies during hallucinaions, they didn't assume psychosis or insanity. Cathy Areu prefers to keep her personal life hidden from the eyes of the media. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. And he hung up. Someones missing, someone you really care about, and nobody will tell you anything. Sandy and I both figured there must have been a fight and they dont want Cathys bruises to be found on their turf. This had to be an acid trip because this was just too big a hiccup in reality: this was too big a lie. No. Its up to you. !Follow me on Twitter--- @ChrisMackTalksAdd me on Xbox--- Im A Nerd lolz Cathy would call regularly in the evening and speak to Katy and me. Lee had become a superstar of the '30s and '40s thanks to columnists like Walter Winchell, who raved about her wit and intellectual . I spoke to him on the phone. A critically acclaimed novel that is still taught at universities today, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest remains Ken Kesey's most popular work. I was with your mom for a while in the late 70's. Im going with you. "What do you mean?" Saw Gary Richrath at a "meet n greet" at a guitar shop in Dallas in the early 90s. Chuck has become quite successful publishing the New Real Books. Why were you arresting her in the first place? kp. No females in the holding cell at all. What attendees were saying: Pierre Garreau, PhD, Co-founder & CEO of Searoutes: Great presentation from Kristy Asseily ( ZeroNorth) at #tpm23 on ways to tackle supply chain carbon accounting . I got clean in 85 and I'm doing OK these daysI have a son who is 28, his name is Miles and he is a good kid. How long has she been missing? At a rehearsal or jam session I was playing at I remember Katrina was thereI was very good in those days and had already been to the Big Apple and recorded etcI was pretty good, if I do say so myselfbut unstable emotionallyor very over the top emotionallywhateverwe were playing a tune and it was completely wrong somehow and I yelled out and made some kind of commentand then realized what a fool I had made of myself and tears spurted from meand lo and behold who was there to comfort but Katrinashe said to me"thats alrightyour finedont worry etcone of the most beautiful women I had ever seen or met and she was suddenly aware of me and knew and heard me. "Over a period of several weeks, Kesey ingested these hallucinogens and wrote of his drug-induced experiences for government researchers. This time I just waited. Larry the Lawyer said, as nicely and as calmly as he could, Cathy, let them take the blood and we can all go home. Kathy was filling in for Pam while she was on maternity leave, and then she still worked there for a while once Pam returned (somewhere in Season 8 I think?). Thats resisting arrest: the county asylum for resisting arrest? I asked him to describe her: it was Cathy. The Merry Pranksters "I was ready, but the shock was too much. We hung out for a few days, but we were both very different people by then and I was about to move to Los Angeles in another 2 weeks. John says, head out the window. Cathy Simms Was Written Off With No Conclusion. I asked what was wrong with Cathy? There she met actor and comedian. I wasnt a stranger in the 60s to police harassment: I was a hippy, I was a professional working satirist a paid Doberman Clown trained to attack the police, the government, and pompous a-holes in general. But Cathys dislike of The Man took it to a whole other level. The case recently made headlines when her husband, James . She tugs at Larry's son. Friend. The Merry Pranksters were comrades and followers of American author Ken Kesey. She met filmmaker Mike Hagen, who introduced her to head Prankster, author and LSD aficionado Ken Kesey. However, in her confessional, Kathy brushed off Lisa's account of that night and apologized if she hurt her. But I also got that he was leaving soon. Cathy had disappeared. A curtain pulls back from a front window and a bespectacled eye peers out. Video marketing. They could have quizzed him on almost anything and got . July 5, 2011: The trial's jury deliberated for 10 hours and 40 minutes before reaching a verdict. "Wow!" She told me as flatly as she could that she was sorry but I couldnt see Cathy that day. We didnt know where to go or what to do or who to call next. On the way through San Francisco, they stopped at actor Larry Hankins where they met "The Beauty Witch", Cathryn Casamo, later to be known as "Stark Naked". Everybody agreed that was a great idea. Larry Hankin It was now 6 pm. Was it even bi-pedal? Strung out is all. This is where Stark Naked got her name and when she first parts ways with the Pranksters. Cathy didnt speak a word the whole way back. He and the Pranksters went from west to east. It was read as a compelling cautionary tale that viewed society, represented by Big Nurse, as a cold, formidable negation of all that is free, lusty and nonconformist. Miss, would you go with these two gentlemen, please? Hagen was going to document Kesey on a cross-country journey to discover America. with the following color code for their words: And then the phone calls got irregular and then one morning around 10am, I got a call from a male voice that said he was one of the Merry Pranksters calling from Houston, Texas and that they were all sleeping on the floor in Larry McMurtrys house. Neal Cassady * Speed Limit Holden was a good little guynow he is probably 40 or sowow, how time goes by so quicklyI remember Caitlin was a beauty like her momsounds like they are happy and wellthat's good. "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was an immediate critical and commercial success. She simply said, Sir, if you dont calm down and stop making trouble, Ill have you committed right now. I signed the paper and Cathy and I walked out to the lobby where Larry and Larry were waiting. By Larry McMurtry She didnt have any ID. Apparently, Kathy took off her glasses, threw them on the ground and jumped up and down breaking them. He had Authority in every pocket. Larry grabbed my one arm and the lawyer put his hand on my opposite shoulder and said very close to my ear, Dont. He had made many phone calls and had arranged for us to get her out of there immediately. You cant talk to her right now. "The 'trip' was a powerful metaphor linking an LSD-inspired interior journey to the historic American inclination to take to the road in search of another place. Now, we just told you where she is. Howd she get there? in case someone gets there." A certain major character from season 1, and one of the main characters of the Tom Clancy novels about the character: Cathy Mueller (Abbie Cornish). I felt totally violated. "See anything yet?" If you see Michael Aragon say hey for me. "We all have children back home, m'dear, and even our hardened hearts are suffused with longing; but you must admit, this is not the one." I know we were together from one summer to the next! Stephen, Hi Stephen, She was very calm and serious. And they did. Put up for a time by generous strangers in North Beach, they soon settled in one of the arks on the Sausalito waterfront and Cathy became a waitress at the No Name Bar. No more. Patricia Casamo, Clinical Social Work/Therapist, Clearwater, FL, 33761, (727) 475-7257, Each unique individual, family, couple and group will be engaged with integrity, openness, and clarity to . Biography. Weve got to get Cathy out of here. And, as in all cultures throughout time: too much fun is a bust-able offense and we must have been having fun-right-up-to-the-edge because the police were always harassing our company or our theater or our director (and the whole city of San Francisco in general), because of our anti-war, anti-Nixon material and pro-pot references and use. "Fresh from the stunning success of 'Cuckoos Nest', Kesey bought the bus for $1,250 from Andre Hobson in Atherton, Calif., a sales engineer who had outfitted it with bunks, a bathroom and a kitchen to take his 11 kids on vacation Cathy is then introduced in the episode "Pam's Replacement" to be her temporary . A lot. How is she? They brought Cathy into the room. Can I see her? king_of_fuh, Other Works She graduated from Westfield High School in Westfield, New Jersey, and went on to major in Drama at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, where she . Theyd been calling hospitals and police stations all day and there was no one fitting her description anywhere in Houston. Is she over 18? One in five was mumbling, one in ten babbling. Create and promote branded videos, host live events and webinars, and more. Chuck Kesey * Brother Charlie However, when she made the request, a . So, no. McMurtry lived in a safe-zone in the middle of Houstons suburbs. Anyway, I have a website, Hi Stephen, I just dialed another police station for the third time and described her for the third time. Yeah. Whaaaat?! (The blanket she had been wearing around her shoulders was left behind in the bus.) Once you go outside his green zone, you were in The South and we were hippies. I was told both times, you didnt have her. They carried orange juice laced with LSD, which was legal at the time. The next day I rode over the bridge to her school, her teacher met me and got Katy out of her play class and Katy and I spoke and hugged and said goodbye. Stretch Film Division. 1999-2010 Gradesaver Hospitals and psychiatrists across the country, carefully selected by the CIA, conducted these government-sanctioned and financed experiments on patients. Cathy couldve gone for a walk and been kidnapped. 5,080. To me, all The Merry Pranksters were just one big Person-of-Interest in Cathys disappearance. She was having psychotic episodes. Manicured lawns. Cathy froze in her tracks and said in a startlingly strong voice, No. He said he didnt think Cathy was able to take care of Katy so I said Id take care of Caitlin til we can get in touch with her real father and/or Cathys parents. Let them take the blood. From this experience, Kesey wrote his most celebrated novel, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and began his own experimentations with psychedelic drugs. I soon coached Stark inside, where she rapidly took seven showers. "What is it, dear?" Cathy was strangely quiet and all Larry and the lawyer wanted to do was to get her out of there so we headed for the door which is when this young nurse came running up waving a folder and saying, continued on the Kathy Casamo. She shadows Pam for the first time in season 8, episode 7 "Pam's Replacement" and . She was an expression of the innocent, pure spirit on the bus to me; the prototypical flower child. Larry M. calmed me down. myself and seeing on the news, the southern police didnt take kindly to Hippys with Cameras and I didnt want any bumps on this particular road. ", "With Neal Cassady at the wheel, they left La Honda in June 1964 and began their now legendary journey across the country, smoking marijuana, and dropping acid along the way. Probably & simply it was because she was wandering around still on acid in a Texas suburb at 2am, and female in the 60s wearing a blanket with no I.D., and a northern accent, and an attitude, and didnt remember which house she came from. There was the segregated black beach in New Orleans at which they turned up and excitedly sprinted into the water, too high to connect the strange looks they . She was a free spirit and loved all kinds of musicit could be African, Jazz or Country and Westernwhatever Learn more about Kathy Casamo - movies and shows, full bio, photos, videos, and more at TV Guide Ken Babbs * Intrepid Traveler Neal Cassady showed up at the last minute and displaced Roy Sebern as driver, as far as New York state. He was on the case and would keep me notified. But shes never" "The experiments at Stanford were part of a secret operation (MK-ULTRA) funded by the Central Intelligence Agency to determine the potential utility of hallucinogens as weapons in the Cold War. I always thought that it was like if you told Cathy a joke and she laughed, she not only got it; she got you. As Kesey put it: 'What we hoped was that we could stop the coming end of the world'." Shed been gone for at least 36 hours -- obviously busted by the police in the middle of the night for a good reason or no reason at all. He was wasted drunk, with a scotch in his hand. Stark naked!" It was here that all the beautiful pictures of Cathy and Neal on the left were taken by Ron Bevirt. It was like a scene from Titicutt Follies, a documentary about a horrible little mental hospital in the small town of Titicutt, New York. Yeah, I know). She was a smart, strong young woman; married, with a kid of her own. With competative pricing and really quick and convenient delivery you would be missing out if you looked or shopped anywhere else. Jay. "I hope so. Casamo's antics led to her being briefly institutionalized, . The Northwestern University drama major had been asked to become one of the group and star with Neal Cassady in the movie they were making chronicling the Prankster's "search for a kool place". Even Kesey was not above suspicion. Yes. Reportedly, she is married to her long-term boyfriend whose identity is still kept secret from the people. I told her we have McMurtrys lawyer downstairs and hes getting her out right now. LSD, peyote and other hallucinogens were revelations to Kesey" 2009 The Associated Press. I hated that cop; I hated the Merry Pranksters; I hated Kesey. Whaaaaat? Years later, I heard that Cathy was living with a painter up in Northern California. Any messages from anybody? She was living alone over by Golden Gate Park. On Saturday morning, Peterson made an appearance on Radio 4's Today programme.They gave him a hurried four minutes at the end of the show. Comment. I was just there to get Cathy, and this acting rule kept going off in my head: Every scene has an objective for your character. In the early 1960s, Neal Cassady showed up to meet the famous author and became the most celebrated member of Kesey's fledgling group, the Merry Pranksters. Mike Hagen * Mal Function And then the phone calls got irregular and then one morning around 10am, I got a call from a male voice that said he was one of the Merry Pranksters calling from Houston, Texas and that they were all sleeping on the floor in Larry McMurtrys house. It was an amazing gift. Inside, Ken Kesey and McMurtry rapped out what they knew about Cathys Disappearance. She told me I could talk to Cathy and see her the next day at 2pm. It wasnt until much later that he found out he had misspelled it. Also, he just looked at everyone, wouldn't evev say high, plinking one of the shop owners vintage Les Paul goldtops, being a general asshole. A K A C A T H R Y N C A S A M O "The Beauty Witch" "Stark Naked" (December 22, 1938 - December 12, 1992) photo by Jeffrey Blankfort 2009. A certain major character from season 1, and one of the main characters of the Tom Clancy novels about the character: Cathy Mueller (Abbie Cornish). The boy is crying, ma'am. Leaving soon life hidden from the eyes of the Man took it to a whole level! Been a fight and they dont want Cathys bruises to be found on their turf made phone. Commercial success was just too big a lie window and a bespectacled eye peers out he found out had... Carefully selected by the CIA, conducted these government-sanctioned and financed experiments on patients heard Cathy... Institutionalized, - and pissed because I was so pissed and confused that Im the... I could talk to Cathy and see her the next on my opposite and! Fight and they dont want Cathys bruises to be found on their turf kid of her own was one. 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