Lets look at it based on an actual shot you may hit: you use your Driver and hit a shot. Our free golf tips for beginners will help you get started. However, Westin Rancho Mirage Golf Resort California, Custom Corporate & Private GMS Experiences, How To Choose The Best Golf School For You. Should You Try to Hit the Golf Ball Straight? This beginners guide will help you learn the very basics. There are several common causes of a golf ball going to the right when hit. Power Turn | The Fastest Way to Pick Up Distance Today. That may mean that you need to crank your forearms over to the right at address. Hi! This will help you keep the clubface square to the ball and avoid slicing it to the right. You're tired of being humiliated on the first tee, and you'd love to be able to hit those long, towering drives down the fairway. This is one of the most important elements of a successful golf swing. Unlike slice, duck hook is shots that curve hard to the left side of the target. The flight readings of the longer clubs seem to be off a little. That explains the adage, 'a pro thin' shot is better than an 'amateur fat' shot, the latter obviously caused primarily because of the lack of that lateral forward movement in the downswing. ", Last Updated February 17, 2023 By Carroll Ball. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. It was awesome. This is known as a square alignment. This happens when the clubface is open when striking the ball. www.mygolfinstructor.com/instruction/diagnosing-problems/drills/, Sign up for the Ask Maria Featured Question of the Day, www.mygolfinstructor.com/instruction/diagnosing-problems/drills/. Low-spin balls travel farther - both in the air and once they hit the ground and continue to roll. Lee Trevino did that. Here are some tips to help you get started on the right foot and make the most of your swing! And used to watch Genevieve Ling a bit. It could also be that youre not shifting your weight correctly during the swing if you favor your left side too much, for example, it can lead to a right-to-left spin on the ball. Generally, it would be best to make sure that the clubface impacts the golf ball at the square every time to straighten the ball. There are several things you can do to stop this from happening. Last Updated: March 5, 2022 A little bit of trial and error will go a long way in helping you get back on track. The other possibility though is that your path is slightly across and the face is open. Many of you might have seen it already but its worth viewing again. Start by hitting some balls with a 7-iron. Are you go to close the club after impact? in Golf Talk, By "My response to that is a similar response to what it's always been with guys I've coached,'' Carroll said. Its simple sidespin that is causing the golf ball to curve. What is the best driver for straight drives? Keep the club face square and make sure that your club does not rotate during the swing. On the one hand, the hole for golf balls is not always straight, so a straight hit may not be the best choice to achieve the target. Sponsored by roofing companies across the US, Canada, and the UK, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. How can you diagnose if the grip is the cause of hook/slice? Gripping the club up high allows for power at the cost of accuracy. And as the golf ball is moving very fast through the air it will continue to move in that direction. Posted March 20, 2011. You can consistently humiliate your buddies with every tee shot and earn bragging rights in the clubhouse. By By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. So your club face is most likely facing down the target line at impact while the club head path is traveling out-to-in, resulting in the ball starting down the target line then turning right. They all started clapping for me. http://thesandtrap.com/b/playing_tips/ball_flight_laws. One of the best alignment aides in golf. The key is to determine why this is happening and then make the necessary adjustments. to each drive and lower your score by 12 strokes (?). Fixing your club angle. Second, make sure youre not standing too close or too far away from the golf ball. Face is square, path is out to in. Not so much with the other clubs, primarily due to the length of the clubs and probably due to a more compact swing with them. That way makes it easier for them to achieve the goal. Why Does My Golf Ball Go Straight Then Right? If your swing path is too steep, it can cause the clubface to be open at impact, resulting in a slice. Because these Golfers (trying to fix swing path) are spending 100% of their time trying to fix 30% of the problem. Putting the ball further ahead in your stance will reduce accuracy. Direction is always a combination of path and face angle at impact. Remember to use reasonable force. A tip for a successful shape recommended by Jack Nicklaus is to focus on your setup rather than swing. Yes, shaping shots is a skill that pros use to drive their golf balls. 3. This shows that distance rather than age is more likely to result in a low handicap. I am a passionate golfer with so much love for the sport. July 5, 2011 in Instruction and Playing Tips. Imagine a straight line running toward the target from the golf balls position and putting the club head perpendicular to the imaginary line. Id lean towards agreeing with the above folks that SkyTrak is probably your best less expensive option (if youre OK with a subscription model). Get the most out of your golf swing and become a better golfer with these golf tips. WebSerious dispersion help and can be played by 75% of golfers. What should you be focused on? Confused as to why your golf ball won't go right? Place your left hand on the club with the thumb overlapping your right hand. If youre new to golf, it can be a very confusing sport. From left, Hunter Mahan, Mahan's caddie, John Wood, and Tiger Woods at the 2014 Open Championship. Professional golfers have been using these secrets for years to hit longer and straighter shots. How you set your feet is not as important as hand placement. I had the same slice before. How Much Does It Cost to Get Fitted for Golf Clubs? The hand travels to the right and beneath the golf club. Piper Blue. There are many internal causes for that, such as players movements or external forces like gravity, wind, air resistance, terrain, or more. You want to hit longer, straighter tee shots and want to know why golf balls go right with irons? This is caused by an incorrect alignment of your body and club head, which will cause your ball to move to the right of the intended target. Always stretch and warm-up before playing to avoid injury. Summary: A golf ball curves to the right when the club face is to the right of the swing path. So where is this open club face that is causing the side spin coming from? Slicing weak golf shots to the right is a common issue among golfers. Could my body alignment play a role in my golf ball going right? This causes you to catch the ball when the club is swinging back to the right. Where Do Golfers Stay While Participating in the Masters Tournament, How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last On One Charge. in Golf Talk, By Player who wants super-low compression and high ball flight. Seriously thats not going to happen more than once in every ten shots. Make sure youre holding the club correctly in your left hand (for right-handed golfers) and that your thumb and forefinger form a V. If your grip is too loose or too tight, it can cause the ball to veer off course. However, as the ball loses the initial velocity, the impact of sidespin becomes more obvious, and thats why you see your golf ball go right. Golf Instructor. The solution is simply to stop the golf ball from spinning to the right. With that, the clubface should be in line with a flat lead wrist. However, thats why every-once-in-a-while that Golfer will hit a great shot. Another reason might be that youre swinging too much from the inside-out, causing you to slice the ball. Straight-Line Release | Let It All Go for Maximum Speed. This will help to reduce the spin on the ball and ensure that it goes straight down the fairway. That might sound complicated, but it isnt. When you swing, your weight should shift from your back foot to your front foot. To do this, you should practice swinging your club with a straight line drawn on the ground in front of you. Actually, those are incomplete swing theories that will do little to fix your slice as well as just giving you more to think about in your swing. An incorrect grip is one of the most common causes of a slice. So, take your time and practice until you get the perfect swing. Open to the path but not to the target, ball starts where the face is pointing and curves away from the path. Another tip to help you hit longer tee shots is to focus on your weight shift. Again, this is NOT a slice, so do not give me tips on how to fix a slice. Analyst dishes on opinions and Tiger Woods. After impact, the golf ball will fly very fast in the direction your club is moving. Turn your hip toward the target and swing down at the same time. Others have problems with setup and Ball Position: You might have the ball too far back in the stance. Finally, make sure youre swinging on the correct path. Moreover, several factors affect the golf balls flight, thus making a straight hit less efficient. You can instantly add thirty yards (?) And how do you know when to adjust grip (strengthen/weaken)? Make sure you strike the ball with the club face flat. One possibility is that your clubface is angled too much to the right at impact. Learn how to shallow the golf club and hit it further with easy fix and understanding for shallow golf swing arc in the downswing. With these tips, you should be able to fix your slice and start hitting long, straight drives down the fairway. Could the clubhead speed affect the direction of my golf ball? The ball initially starts fairly straight, but as it gets to 100, 150, or 200 yards out it starts to turn to the right. Setting the ball back further in your stance will diminish power. Common factors that cause pulled iron shots include bad alignment, poor ball positioning, and swinging over the top. With a little bit of patience and dedication, you'll soon be hitting longer and straighter tee shots and competing with the best golfers out there! Remember to rotate the outside head of the club over the inside head to have a square clubface. Next, check your body alignment. If your clubface is open at impact, it will cause the ball to veer off toward the right side of fairway/green. The second one you show also incorporates pushing the ball. However, it is much easier to PLAN, control and be consistent with a 6 yard fade rather than using a 15 yard slice. All the pros have this lateral forward movement with all their clubs, which with the rest of the clubs produces the big divot and a 'ball first' hit. So, what are you waiting for? In fact, hitting a golf ball dead straight is nearly impossible, even for pros. If yes, you can practice and see if what Ive guided really works for you and give feedback! If you want to explore more, check out the below content! Learn tips and tricks to stay within your budget while having fun on the course. This can be caused by incorrect setup or incorrect swing technique. Then, swing down and hit with proper shoulder turn and force. may What Is Whiffing the Ball and How to Avoid Doing This in Golf Games. Why does this happen? Point Club at Target at the Top of the Swing. Note your head should not be moving in front of the golf ball until 3 quarters up your follow through, and your right shoulder is rotating with the grip of your club going from the rear side of your body to the front (the follow through side). Another cause of a slice can be your stance. If its open (pointing to the right), that can cause a severe slice. Do not play golf when there is a thunderstorm. So, if you're ready to start hitting longer and straighter tee shots, now is the time to take action. Im not against the ladies, but being a good golfer is a prerequisite haha. This is important because the swing is so different and there's a lot of new drivers that accommodate multiple swings. If your feet are too far apart, your swing path will be off and the clubface will not be square to the ball at impact. With a bit of practice and patience, you can get your golf ball going straight again. Actually sticking to and trusting the process I find harder! Its simple sidespin that is causing the golf ball to curve. If you find my guide helpful, dont hesitate to share it with everyone who cares about golf! Almost every shot you hit needs the backspin but its the sidespin that causes the problem for most golfers. This is one of the most important steps to hitting the golf ball straight. What causes the face problem is usually the Keep doing like that until the impact happens. If you're like most weekend duffers, you're looking for the magic trick that will take your golf game to the next level. We all have our bad days on the golf course. This wouldnt be soon enough as the ball doesnt care what you do after you hit it. If your body is not properly aligned, it can cause you to swing out of sync, resulting in an open clubface and a slice. Oftentimes, simply slowing down your swing and making a more controlled pass at the ball will fix this issue. By understanding why golf balls go right with irons and taking the time to practice, you should start to see an improvement in your tee shots. Make sure that your "v"s between your thumbs and forefingers on both hands are pointing up towards your right shoulder. Yes, your body alignment can play a role in the golf ball going right. To cure a slice, you need to improve setup and clubhead alignment to avoid inside-out downstring and have a proper square club. Shifting the hips moves the base of the spine, creating spine tilt and tilting the shoulder plane. Now, if you go by everything you hear from other Golfers you will hear that a slice is caused by these reasons: an outside to in swing path; an over the top swing plane; an early release of the golf club; blah; blah; blah; blah. Learn the basics with our selection of the best golf drills for beginners. The V between your left pointer finger and thumb points at right shoulder. Learn techniques to become a better golfer, and get the most out of your golf game. Lets start off by discussing why we slice the golf ball. Don't know where to start with golf? Every golfer has preferred strike, either a draw or fade, but barely a straight shot. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 227,113 times. Each of these has three possible value, so there are six possible lateral flights. It's also important to make sure that you are using the correct club for the job. Without this movement, you will see how the ball patterns change drastically for the driver. Here is the guide on hitting the golf ball straight to a certain extent and how to improve on slice and hook. One of the most likely culprits is an incorrect stance. Another cause can be too much wrist Generally, irons are designed for shorter distances, so if you want to hit the ball a long way, you should use a driver or a hybrid club. Have you understood How to hit a golf ball straight? Now, when you spend your practice time fixing your club face so that when it is fixed you now only have a 6 yard fade. When we compare this with the average 20-29 year olds distance, we see that is the exact same at 243 yards. If skied shots are a recurring problem, one culprit might be ball position. We can see handicappers of <9 hitting the ball on average 243 yards. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, it is improvement, but you spent months practicing your swing path and youre still slicing the golf ball 15 yards. Well, you're in luck, because we're here to help you get there. I asked a pro online and he said it wasn't a slice. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, consider buying some golf balls for slice or beginner players and upgrading your club for a better experience. WebFirst, you need to understand why your golf ball goes straight then right (or left). As you swing through the ball, make sure to keep your arms, wrists, and shoulders in line with the target. andonFacebook! Watch this video if you want to see how golfers make a real straight shot! The other possibility Are you going to close the club before impact? Longer traveling distances can be a huge advantage, but it comes at the expense of precise stops. Therefore, I decided to start this blog to help other enthusiasts in the golf world, acting as an instructor and guide. Are you ready to take your game to the next level? There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Click here to submit your #1 question about golf and claim your FREE copy of the GOLFEASER MANIFESTO, How To Play Better Golf: Build A Golf Swing You Can Be Proud Of, How To Shallow Golf Swing - Get A Better Swing With Easy Fix, Free Golf Tips For Beginners - Simple Tips To Improve Your Swing, How Every Golfer Can Combat the Start of a Downswing in Golf, How To Play Golf Better - Taking Your Golf Game To The Next Level, Learn How to Make Uphill Lies Work in Your Favor, How To Fix Your Shanks In Golf With 1 Simple Drill, Golf Swing Fundamentals for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide, The Best Way to Learn Golf - How To Improve at Golf the Most, Best Golf Tips For Beginners: How To Be Proud Of Your Swing, Free Golf Tips For Beginners: Improve At Golf With These Tips, A Guide to Affordable Golf: Teeing Off Without Breaking the Bank. Driving the ball straight off of the tee can be the difference between a birdie and a bogey. "Great tips and steps for beginners, very well explained. Finally, make sure your swing path is correct. Make sure the ball isn't beyond your left foot. Welcome to TST! Our comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to make sure your golf ball goes exactly where you want it to go. As the slice mostly results from a downward impact angle, you should strike the golf ball on the upswing to improve. Or, it could simply be that you need more practice! From grip to stance to swing, we've got you covered. Make sure your hands are in a neutral position, meaning your left thumb should be pointed at the middle of your chest. 24 February 2022. In this section, we'll discuss some of the causes of slicing weak golf shots to the right, and provide some helpful advice on how to correct your slice and improve your golf game. Enjoy! Go ahead be a Player and click to see why youre slicing: The golf swing is a series of Causes and Effects that determine whether you hit. Check out my friends onEvolvr!Follow The Sand Trap onTwitter! Was like having an instructor telling me in detail what to. Don't take too short a stance as this will drastically alter your swing. Find the best golf balls for amateurs and uncover the secret to improving your golf game. If your issue is that the ball is moving too much from right to left in the air, this is more of a hook than a draw. Its common for right-handed amateur or average players. There could be a few reasons why youre hitting your irons to the right on the golf course. With the right technique and some practice, your golf game will only get better. While a draw is one of the most coveted shots in golf, its also tough for most golfers as the majority of players suffer from the opposite, a slice. Well, the majority of Golfers that are hitting a slice are inadvertently opening up their club face before they are even hip high in their back swing. Check out our best golf tips for beginners. If an open club and outside-in path cause the slice, the hook is created by a shut club and inside-out path. We made a video about this. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Kirby [Yates] was hurt, so he wasnt playing. Do you want to know why you slice weak golf shots to the right? If youre a right-handed golfer and your ball is veering to the right, its likely that your clubface is open at impact. Also, keep reading my other articles and motivating me to create more useful content! Don't be! By using our site, you agree to our. Compression Line | Mash the Ball with the Proper Impact Position. TrackMan reports Spin Loft in the middle of the impact interval and as a result the heel strikes, which often tend to be low on the face due to shaft droop, deloft the face and narrow spin loft, while toe strikes tend to be high on You should make sure you adjust your grip so that your hands are in line with the clubface. The tight grip frequently causes the dominant arm to move to the right and face away from the ball. Low-spin balls travel farther - both in the air and once they hit the ground and continue to roll. In hitting straight shots, the most important factor is hand placement and alignment. What Is a Nassau and How to Play It in Golf? it sucks I know i have it. Worst part about it isnt that it lands right its that your bounce goes at 90 degrees too and really takes it to the right. That said, I would make sure that I'm hitting the ball on the center of the face, always. Here, my body and feet are perfectly aligned with the alignment stick, which is my ball-to-target line. One possibility is that your clubface (the part of your club that faces the ball) Why does it start fairly straight and then curve? Grasp the grip using your left hand. Expert Interview. There is the Tiger Woods way. However, its not always necessary to hit the golf ball straight. Do you want to lower your score and shock your buddies with your newfound golf prowess? What types of grip can affect my golf ball going right? If the ball is teed up too high or too far forward in your stance, it can cause you to hit the ball on the upswing, resulting in a pop-up. Signing up is free, and you'll see fewer ads and can talk with fellow golf enthusiasts! Your driver head will look weird, just ignore that and make your normal swing. WebThe biggest swing flaw that causes irons to go too high is having too much weight on your back foot at impact. 20 Minute Shallowing Fix | Shallow the Club on Every Swing and Hit the Most Solid Shots of Your Life. Are you desperate to find the secret to hitting longer and straighter tee shots? Don't worry, you've come to the right place! However, as the ball loses the initial velocity, the impact of sidespin becomes more obvious, and thats why you see your golf ball go right. Many factors can contribute to a slice, but there are three main culprits: an incorrect grip, an outside-in swing, and a clubface thats open at impact. NORTH PORT, Fla. -- It seems like everybody has a story about seeing Michael Harris II do something extraordinary with a baseball, basketball, bowling ball, Place your non-lead hand on the club. It is a rather simple ball flight law that the ball will curve away from This can be caused by a variety of factors, including an improper grip, incorrect stance, or a poor swing path. As a result, the golf ball could not go as straight as expected. ", https://www.golfguideforbeginners.com/how-to-hit-a-driver-straight/, https://www.golfdigest.com/story/rickie-fowlers-keys-to-great-driving, http://www.golfinstruction.com/golf-instruction/driving/hit-longer-straighter-drives-10569.htm, https://www.golfdigest.com/story/improve-your-timing-for-better-tee-shots, http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/2011-05/rickie-fowlers-keys-to-great-driving, http://golf.duke.edu/hitting-driver-straight/, pegarle a una pelota de golf en lnea recta. In exchange for your advice, Ill give you FREE access to the GOLFEASER MANIFESTO. If your feet and shoulders are not properly squared up to the target, then you may be unintentionally hitting from a closed stance and causing a push or slice. The reason you hear that the swing is essentially the same across all the clubs is because of this lateral forward movement in the downswing. Get the most distance from your swing by using a high tee. You should focus on making a consistent, smooth swing and building up your clubhead speed gradually. Why Is It So Hard to Hit a Golf Ball Straight? If your driveway into your garage is flat, I wonder if you could get away with a radar with the garage door open? Make sure that you are focusing on the fundamentals and that you are taking the time to practice different shots. Matte vs Regular Golf Balls Which One Is Better for You? This will ensure that your shots are not pushing right. Is a 6 yard fade perfect maybe, maybe not. It is a kind of slice, and your pro may have been wrong. This will help you generate more power and create a more consistent swing. And finally, check your clubface position at impact. You want your lead hand (the hand closest to your target) to have the thumb down and just to the right of center, what is called a neutral grip. 548. If you are going for accuracy on a shorter drive, narrow your stance and tee the ball about halfway into the ground for more control. and replicate. With the right technique and some practice, your golf game will only get better. Titleist 910 D3: 9.5degGD Tour AD DI7x| Nike Dymo 3W: 15deg, UST S-flex | Mizuno MP CLKHybrid: 20deg,Project X Tour Issue 6.5, HC1 Shaft| Mizuno MP-57 4-PW, DG X100 Shaft, 1deg upright | Cleveland CG15 Wedges: 52, 56, 60deg |Scotty Cameron California Del Mar| TaylorMade Penta, TP Black LDP, Nike 20XI-X, I had the same problem and was told the ball starts turning after say the 150-200 yards because this is when the balls starts to slow down, I wascoming over the top causing an outside in swing imparting side spin on the ball , that doesn't manifest itself until the ball slows down after it flies out there straight at first, I have changed my hip movements and has improved but still there. I will repeat that: most Golfers are opening their club face before the club is even hip high in their back swing. In other words, right-handers get the first ball into the golf course when using their clubs. With the proper technique and practice, you should be able to stop slicing the ball and hit long, straight drives in no time. An outside-in swing is another common cause of slicing. You want to know what causes a slice in golf driver? First off, it's important to understand why golf balls go right when using irons. The 2nd, more easier fix, is to incorporate a lateral 'forward movement towards the target line' induced with the hips moving forward in the downswing, which will naturally shift the point of impact slightly further back in the swing path, which then eliminates the slight out to in path in the swing and you should then start seeing a much more straighter flight path. 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